The landmark decommissioning of Shell’s Brent field has moved a step closer after the oil giant appointed a firm to dismantle the iconic North Sea structures.
The next major North Sea decommissioning project on the horizon is Shell’s Brent Alpha and Bravo platforms, which are scheduled to stop production in late 2014 and late 2015 respectively.
Able UK has been appointed to dispose of them forever.
The contract will see three platform topsides, as well as a steel platform jacket, transported from the Brent field, over 100 miles north-east of Scotland, to Able Seaton Port on Teesside.
The timing of the arrival of the first topside is subject to further offshore preparation work and regulatory approvals.
A giant catamaran strong enough to lift four Eiffel Towers will set off from a South Korean shipyard to lift the platforms.
The Pieter Schelte, a 1,250ft-long, 407ft-wide vessel, can lift up to 48,000 tonnes.
Able UK boss Andrew Jacques said: “We are delighted to have been selected to undertake this significant platform decommissioning project. This six-year contract will see the deployment of the very latest techniques and technologies in the recycling of these materials.
“We are looking forward to working with our partners on this project, and we are justifiably proud to have been selected for this exciting project.
“Able Seaton Port is already a superb facility and it will see further investment from Able UK with the construction of what will be one of Europe’s heaviest-load-bearing quays, along with associated infrastructure at the northern end of the dry dock to receive the structures.
“This will enable the topsides and jackets to be shipped to the new quay for dismantling.”
About 100 jobs will be created during the 18-month construction period of the new quay, with the six-year recycling contract generating a further 100 new jobs itself.
It is anticipated that over 97% of the structures will be reused or recycled.
A Shell representative said “This contract award for the onshore recycling of the Brent platform topsides marks another important milestone in our overall plans to decommissionhe Brent oil and gasfield.
“Today, we continue to focus on careful preparation of the platforms for this next phase, including plugging and abandonment of the wells on Brent Delta and Brent Bravo.”
North Sea firms could be spending up to £1billion a year on decommissioning by 2015, according to trade body Decom North Sea.