A number of non-conformities have been raised after an audit of Statoil’s onshore facility at Mongstad in Norway.
The country’s Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) said the purpose of the audit had been to investigate whether the alarm systems at Mongstad gave the panel operators the necessary support in handling the processing facility during normal operations.
An audit was also carried out of Statoil’s mapping and follow-up of the physical working conditions in the control room, including factors relating to noise, ventilation, ergonomics and the design of man-machine interfaces.
Three non-conformities were found in respect of the regulations, concerning alarm loads for operators in the control room, mapping of psychosocial conditions and human factors in the control room and noise conditions in the control room.
The PSA said Statoil has been given until June 25th to report on how the non-conformities and improvement points will be dealt with.