Oilex has reaffirmed its commitment to unlocking in-place tight gas potential in its onshore Cambay block, in India.
The company said it was at an advanced stage in completing a detailed working plan to take the Cambay project forward in Gujarat province.
A vertical well, will seek to obtain core samples from the EP-IV Zone reservoir for drill and fraccing optimisation studies.
Oilex said this was essential prior to drilling a horizontal extension for potential later fraccing and exploitation of the Eocene siltstones.
The well will also have the potential to test the shallower, productive, OS-II conventional reservoir or may be later used to frac and test the EP-IV based on results of the core.
The detailed planning for this well is still being finalised and is subject to JV/Budget approvals.
This approach allows the company to take advantage of the lower cost vertical well drilling rates in India at present.