Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Norway, Sarah Gillett, will be among the speakers at Granite PR’s fourth annual Aberdeen-Norway Gateway next week.
Monday’s event will focus on knowledge sharing and networking between the UK and Norway.
Held at Macdonald Norwood Hall Hotel the showcase regularly sees delegates and industry leaders in attendance.
This year’s event will also feature Tom Norland of Petroleum Technology Company UK, Leif Johan Sevland of ONS 2018, Charlotte Stewart of Anderson Anderson Brown, Lise Dean of Widerøe, Andreas Christophersen of Quickflange, Birger Haraldseid of Greater Stavanger Partnership, Peter Reynolds of Denholm MacNamee and Jan Bertelsen of the Norwegian-British Chamber of Commerce in attendance.
Brett Jackson, Granite PR founder and managing director and Aberdeen-Norway Gateway creator, said: “We are delighted that, already, more than 100 people have booked to attend the event, and we look forward to learning with speakers and delegates about the abundance of opportunities which await those ready to explore this exciting part of the world.”