Energy giant Ineos said it was cutting its gas consumption at one of its plants to help meet the increased domestic demand.
A spokesman said: “Following consultation with National Grid, Ineos has agreed to reduce natural gas consumption at its Runcorn plant by 20%.
The plant, which is responsible for the chlorine that treats 98% of the UK’s drinking water, will ensure continued supply by using power from its fuel from waste plant.
“Although Ineos is happy to work with the Government and government agencies during this period of bad weather, we aware that this crisis lays bare the urgent need for increased domestic supplies of gas.
“These supplies can be provided by shale, and yet multiple projects are being held up at the planning and surveying stage. Keeping lights on and homes heated is a proud part of what Ineos does and is a responsibility that we take seriously.
“This week has made clear that we all need to start to take the benefits that shale gas can bring to the UK, just as seriously.
“Our investment in shale also impacts manufacturing jobs. These jobs are not created without investment and there is precious little in the North of England at the moment.
“Recent figures on jobs and investment estimate that the shale industry is expected to bring in £33 billion of investment into England alone over the next two decades.
“The resources beneath our feet can be used to create jobs, heat our homes and go a long way towards self-sufficiency.”