A new report published today by the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has recommended that gas operators in the Southern North Sea collaborate to reduce the impact of ‘salting’ on production.
Losses in production occur when salt deposits build up within the wellbore or process plant causing restrictions to gas flow.
The OGA’s finding’s claim that ‘salting’ is attributed to 20% of the Southern North Sea’s total production losses.
The OGA report also found the Southern North Sea to have the lowest percentage in terms of production efficiency at 64%.
The OGA said the issue could affect at least a fifth of all producing field in the Southern North Sea.
Eric Marston, Southern North Sea and East Irish Sea area manager, OGA said: “The SNS Salting Study is a great example of how the OGA is able to draw deep insights from our interactions with operators. In turn, we are able to use these insights to provide guidance on the collaborative measures that might be taken by industry to improve performance.”
Simon Gray, chief executive of EEEGR said: “‘EEEGR is delighted to be able to support this initiative through our Southern North Sea Rejuvenation Special Interest Group. With the support of the OGA and OGUK, a Salting Work Group has been formed under the leadership of Faroe Petroleum. In due course, the work group aims to publish a guidance document along with case studies on salt management.”