The European Union’s progress on expanding the use of renewable energy has “slowed down”, according to data collated by the European Environment Agency (EEA).
The EEA data report claims that the lack of progress could mean that the EU could struggle to meet its 2020 and 2030 targets on renewables.
The environmental agency said “preliminary estimates” showed that renewable energy use in the EU is “expected to have increased to 17.4 % of gross final energy consumption in 2017”.
The data report claims that, despite year on year growth, the annual increase of renewable energy has been slowing down, mainly due to the “relative increase in final energy consumption”.
The EEA added that: “If this trend observed over the last 3 years is not reversed, it could jeopardise the achievement of both the renewables and the energy efficiency targets at EU level.”
The report said that in order to meet targets the sector would need to see rapid increase across Europe.
It concluded by saying that “additional efforts” would have to be made to insure future investor confidence in the renewable energy sector.