Deepwater drilling and performance improvement specialist Exceed is exhibiting for the first time at Offshore Europe following a record year.
The Aberdeen-based company surpassed targets to turn over £5.2million in 2010-11 and has taken on a further 25 staff in the last six months to reach a headcount of 60.
Turnover for 2011-12 is expected to be around £10million.
Exceed started as a performance improvement specialist in 2005 and diversified in 2009 to launch the industry’s first project management team to focus solely on drilling projects in deepwater. The deepwater division now has two drilling teams.
Founding director Ian Mills said: “We formed the deepwater division because we felt there was a need for a consultancy to specialise in deepwater and provide integrated solutions from conceptual design right through to completion. There were several well engineering consultancies in the marketplace but due to increasing activity and well complexity as well as escalating costs, we believed there was an opportunity for us.
“Our primary target market and clients are national oil companies and mid-size oil companies entering deepwater or complex offshore operations, and rig-sharing agreements with groups of companies in regions with one or two-well campaigns, but insufficient work scope to warrant longer contracts. In such cases, Exceed can collaborate across multiple operators and put campaigns together on their behalf. We immerse ourselves fully and co-locate with our clients. Anyone from outside the client organisation would believe we are the operator’s wells department.”
Exceed is lined up to drill at least three frontier deepwater wells in total this year in the Black Sea and off Israel and is in advanced discussions for further drilling projects along the coast of west Africa.”