Onshore wind developer SSE Renewables has said it wants to “encourage” local suppliers and businesses to work on its new Gordonbush extension project.
SSE was given the green-light to begin construction on its first subsidy-free onshore wind farm last month.
The Gordonbush Extension Wind Farm will be located 7 miles north west of Brora in the Scottish Highlands and construction on the extension will commence in March.
The new 11-turbine onshore wind farm is an extension to the current Gordonbush wind farm, which has been generating renewable energy since 2012.
SSE Renewables announced today it is set to host a Meet the Buyer event from 12pm to 5pm at The Royal Marine Hotel in Brora, Sutherland on 3 March, ahead of the commencement of construction of Gordonbush Extension project.
Local businesses and suppliers will be able to meet with the SSE Renewables project team alongside appointed contractors, RJ McLeod.
Mike Scott, Gordonbush project manager, said: “Meet the Buyer events are such an important part of our work to build a wind farm.
“It gives us a chance to meet with local businesses and suppliers and discuss the opportunities available on the project so we can utilise, wherever possible, the excellent local supply chain to build our wind farm extension project.
“Building a wind farm takes a diverse group of businesses, including local accommodation, tree felling, catering, plant hire and stonework.”
Construction will commence in March 2020 with first generation at the site expected in late 2020.