WELCOME to 2012 to our Young Energy readers. As it is a new year, we, with the help of Shell, have decided to start a new feature – an A to Z of Energy.
Month by month we will pick through the alphabet, explaining energy terminology – from atomic power to oil to wind and so on.
But we don’t just want to tell you what they are – we want you to be Energy reporters and write a definition of each month’s energy. The best bit is that the winning class or school will get their definition published AND win an I-pad, thanks to our supporter Shell.
This huge energy company is a big user of technology. It has even created the Inside Energy app, which allows you and your class or school explore the role energy innovation plays in advancing our lives. Shell’s app is packed with information through videos, animations and photo galleries.
Our A to Z will start with A for Atomic energy.
Through your class teacher or school, we want you define Atomic energy in no more than 250 words.
Classes or entire schools from the north of Scotland, including the Highlands and islands, can enter.
Post your entry with your class and school details to: Young Energy, c/o Elaine Maslin, Aberdeen Journals, Lang Stracht, Aberdeen, AB15 6DF.
You have until January 23. If you don’t win first time do keep trying.