With two LNG projects in Mozambique moving ahead, and a third said to be close, the time is right for the Mozambique Gas Virtual Summit.
The online event will be held on October 28-29. Mozambique’s ENH and dmg events will co-host the summit, with support from MIREME and INP.
H.E. Valige Tauabo, Governor of Cabo Delgado; Estêvão Pale, Chairman & CEO, ENH; Carlos Zacarias, President, INP; and Jos Evens, Lead Country Manager, ExxonMobil Mozambique will provide keynote speeches.
“It is our great pleasure to announce that the Mozambique Gas Summit will be held virtually this year. Through the online platform the industry will be able to reunite, debate, and network with one another, enabling leaders from across the international gas community to share ideas and provide key market updates to the rest of the world,” said Estêvão Pale, Chairman & CEO, ENH.
Over the two days, there will be presentations from the key players in the Mozambique gas community and discussions on creating a regional gas masterplan. There will also be an update directly from the newly created Mozambican Local Content Task Force on their mandate, plans and priorities for the energy sector moving forward.
Discussions will also be held on how projects are developing. The Mozambique LNG and Rovuma LNG projects will both involve major investments into the local business community over the coming years, with the Total-led project expected to invest $2.5 billion of work dedicated for local businesses, whilst creating more than 5,000 jobs during the construction phase of the project.
“In spite of the current pandemic, we have seen the largest private investment in Africa, involving an array of lenders and including around 20 banks. This is extremely significant milestone, and a testament to the investability and excitement around projects being developed in Mozambique.” said Nina Febo, Project Manager, Mozambique Gas Virtual Summit.
The summit will also allow attendees to network virtually, access exclusive content and visit trade booths in the virtual exhibition.
For further information, please visit www.mozambique-gas-summit.com.