Glasgow-based RemNOx announces the launch of a global distribution deal using innovative fuel technologies of SulNOx Group.
With immediate effect, the company will deploy fully certified RemNOx Diesel & Petrol Fuel Conditioner, together with Berol 6446 HFO Fuel Emulsifier.
It is scientifically accepted that if hydrocarbon fuels could be ‘combined’ with water (emulsified) in a long-term stable form, then combustion would be more efficient and therefore cause less pollution. As scientists and academics ramp up efforts to turn this theory into practice, SulNOx technologies are providing a solution.
With the bulk of environmental damage stemming from on and off-road vehicles, marine vessels and heavy industry, RemNOx products are easy-to-implement, cost-effective and immediately available to significantly reduce pollution and increase efficiencies.
Worldwide, over 8 million people die annually from hydrocarbon fuel pollution at an economic and health cost in the region of £2 trillion. The real ‘killer’ pollutant is identified as the fine form of Particulate Matter (2.5). For perspective, less than 2.5 million deaths have occurred from COVID-19.
Nawaz Haq, CEO of RemNOx, said, “The world’s reliance on hydrocarbon fuels is likely to continue for many decades with huge infrastructural, technological, economic, political and resource challenges in the transition to alternative renewable non-polluting power sources. But there is a huge gap in terms of the targets set and the realisation of them within the given time frames.
“Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, nations have committed to a long-term goal of limiting average temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit it even further to 1.5C – a target that requires fossil fuel production to decrease by around 6% per year between 2020 and 2030. Instead, countries are planning an average annual increase of 2%, which by 2030 would result in more than double the production consistent with the 1.5C limit, according to a recent UN report.”
The new technologies have broad applications however current widespread problems across the shipping industry may attract immediate attention.
Recent IMO 2020 regulations mandated a drop in Sulphur emissions across marine fuels from 3.5% to 0.5%. This has presented huge technical challenges with many operators adopting controversial ‘scrubber’ systems and alternative fuels ultimately resulting in a mixture of additional marine pollution, engine damage and significantly higher carbon emissions.
Nawaz Haq states, “To demonstrate how powerful the technology is, laboratory tests using Berol 6446 HFO Fuel Emulsifier treating Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), one of the most polluting fuels used widely in large marine vessels and heavy industry, have resulted in cleaner and more efficient combustion than achieved with even good quality Diesel. Importantly, with virtually no trace of Particulate Matter. To have anywhere near that level of success on a ship, for example, would be considered a Sea Change particularly given its immense cost-effectiveness.”
The impact of SulNOx technologies can be much more diverse with RemNOx Diesel & Petrol Fuel Conditioners, unique forms of ‘Additive’, based on the powerful Berol 6446 emulsifier but with additional components that release oxygen into fuel. This mode of action is unique in that it not only deals with the problem of free-water in fuel (normally a problematic and costly contaminant), but it also uses that free-water to an advantage by emulsifying it with the fuel. Together with the additional oxygen released from the Additives, this results in a much-improved combustion profile of hydrocarbon fuels such as diesel and petrol.
The product significantly improves economy and lubricity by over 31% (verified by its EN590 compliance certification) and reduces maintenance and exhaust pollutants. Independent tests have shown a reduction of 60% in Particulate Matter (2.5).
In the initial phases of the tried and tested product roll-out, RemNOx intends to work with commercial users across a number of sectors particularly on and off-road vehicles, marine, heavy industry offering product for free to allow them to assess the benefits for themselves.
Nawaz Haq added, “As a business, we are delighted to launch in the year of COP26, from Glasgow, Scotland, and hope to lead the way with technologies to decarbonise now, for a more sustainable future for all.”