Norwegian oil giant Statoil has found small gas reserves in its wildcat Barents Sea well.
The 7325/1-1 was drilled to a total depth of 2825m, about 56 km northeast of oil discovery 7324/8-1, targetting reservoir rocks of Middle Triassic formation, where it found about 10m sandstone with hydrocarbon shows of poor quality.
The secondary exploration target was aimed at proving petroleum was locked in the reservoir rocks of Middle and Early Triassic formations.
Approximately 55m of net reservoir rock were found, with a 10m gas column, as well as about 10m gross sandstone of poor quality in the Lower Triassic reservoir rocks.
Preliminary analysis indicated the discovery was commercial, according to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
This is the second exploration well in production licence 615, awarded to Statoil in 2011.
The well has now been plugged and abandoned as the company moves its drilling focus to a wildcat on licence 614.