Bristow Helicopters has introduced the latest tool-tracking technology to its maintenance teams as part of the company’s ongoing drive to improve aircraft safety.
introduction of Snap-on Industrial’s new Automated Tool Control (ATC) system at a cost of some £3.2million is the latest stage in the company’s safety investment programme known as Target Zero, which was launched in 2007.
The ATC Box is fitted with hi-tech camera technology which captures images of its contents, allowing the system to identify whether tools are present or not.
This information is then displayed on a screen on top of the tool kit so that a maintenance engineer is constantly aware of the location of each tool.
Tools are automatically issued and returned without user input and the activity from each toolbox is streamed across the company network giving administrators real time visibility of all tooling activity.
Bristow has introduced the technology to the company’s bases in Aberdeen, Norway and the Gulf of Mexico and is in the process of rolling it out across all of its bases across the globe.
Aircraft maintenance facilities have long been an exemplar when it comes to tool stowage and management. This system should help enhance that image.
Alan Corbett, MD at the helicopter company, said: “Bristow is continuously looking to enhance safety and often it’s the introduction of new technology that can allow us to do that.
“The concept behind the snap-on maintenance kit is a simple but effective one. It makes absolutely sure that maintenance engineers are aware of the location of their tools at all times and ultimately minimises the potential for human error.
“The industry has been looking for new ways to improve tool control for many years and this is a significant step forward. The technology has been successful in the bases where it has already been introduced and we look forward to rolling it out fully across our global operations over the next year.”
Snap-on Industrial already has a relationship that reaches back seven years.