Statoil’s flagship Johan Sverdrup is one of the five biggest oil fields on the Norwegian continental shelf. It’s estimated to hold between 1.7billion and 3billion barrels of oil equivalent, Its peak production is expected to equal 25% of all Norwegain petroleum production. The first phase of development work will provide some 51,000 man years of work in Norway.
Watch the video to see construction get underway.
Production from the site is targeted for the end of 2019. It’s located on the Utsira Height in the North Sea, 155 kilometres west of Stavanger.
Oil from the field will be piped to the Mongstad terminal in Hordaland. The gas willthen be transported via Statpipe to the Kårstø processing plant in North Rogaland.
Peak production is estimated to reach 550,000 – 650,000 barrels per day.