The Scottish Government has been accused of “holding back” the oil and gas industry with its moratorium on fracking.
Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser said First Minister Nicola Sturgeon had ignored the findings of a 2014 report commissioned from an expert scientific panel which said the technology existed to allow the safe extraction of shale gas “subject to robust regulation being put in pace”.
Highlighting the latest Bank of Scotland research series report on oil and gas, he said: “One thing this helpful report tells us is that a majority of large companies see the opportunity to diversify into shale gas.
“But, sadly, these opportunities and the jobs that would be created will be located outside Scotland because of the government’s stance on this moratorium on fracking.”
He added: “Why is the First Minister not listening to her government’s own scientists on this matter and why is she holding back the vital oil and gas industry?”
Ms Sturgeon dismissed the question as “complete nonsense”.
She said: “The moratorium on fracking has been introduced so that we can study carefully all of the different aspects of this before coming to a decision that is guided by and based on evidence, but also takes into account public opinion, the opinion of the public who would have to live in areas affected by technology such as this. That is absolutely the right thing to do.
“Interestingly, Murdo Fraser didn’t quote the report when it comes to diversification fully because the companies that talked about the opportunities of diversification also talked about the opportunities of diversification into renewables.
“I wonder why a Tory member of the Scottish Parliament didn’t want to mention renewables? Because, against all of the evidence, against all of the wishes of people the length and breadth of this country, against some of the investment decisions of our companies, the Tory UK Government is currently destroying our renewables potential by the wrong-headed decisions it has taken.”