PSI Software AG (PSI), a global leader in software solutions for utilities and industry, and Advanced Control Systems, Inc. (ACS), a leading provider of Smart Grid solutions, have announced a new partnership in North America.
The technology partnership is a demonstration of Leadership through Technology, and combines PSI’s extensive experience in Transmission Energy Management Systems (EMS) and extensive renewables expertise with ACS’s strong advanced distribution management (ADMS) market presence across the Americas.
Together, PSI and ACS bring a new level of innovation to the Energy Management market, resulting in a scalable solution equipped to handle the challenges of renewables integration and optimization of grid assets in both large and small utilities.
Kevin Sullivan, CEO of ACS, commented “PSI and ACS are both market leaders and innovators in the utility software space.
PSI has grown market share across Europe and built a portfolio that allows utilities to solve their toughest problems, while ACS has focused on the distribution challenges with advanced algorithms that report outages, restore, and self-configure the network.
By partnering with PSI, we are pushing the boundaries of advanced real time system deployments with an innovative and adaptive platform that allows our customers to keep up with the ever-changing supply and use of energy.”
“We are very pleased to form this strategic partnership with ACS, which will bring our European EMS technology to the markets and customers of our competent partner, ACS.
We offer the full set of EMS functions for unbundled energy markets.
And on top of that, we offer unique functionality for combined energy grids and an autopilot to stabilize and economically optimize electrical grids which are or will be exposed to abnormally high fluctuations from massive renewables or massive e-vehicle charging” said Dr. Harald Schrimpf, CEO of PSI.
ACS is currently deploying the first two projects in North America with the integration of the PSI advanced EMS applications into the ACS PRISM solution.
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