The Scottish Government has announced today that it plans to expand a scheme designed to help homeowners carry out energy efficiency improvements on their property.
The Home Energy Efficiency Programme Scotland (HEEPS) is available to those on low incomes to borrow up to £40,000 for energy efficient upgrades.
The scheme was originally launched in 2017 within the areas of Glasgow City, Argyll and Bute and Perth and Kinross but will now be extended to Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, Stirling, Dundee and the Western Isles until March 2019.
Kevin Stewart, minister for Housing, said: “Whether it’s fitting insulation or fixing a leaking roof, the expansion of this scheme will allow more homeowners across Scotland to take action to keep their energy bills down.
“This is the latest in a package of measures to improve energy efficiency and tackle disrepair. We have recently consulted on a new fuel poverty strategy, including a new definition and target, that will inform a Fuel Poverty Bill to be laid before Parliament this summer.”
Improvements can include the installation of a new boiler, double glazing or repairs to reduce heat loss – which will be repaid when they sell their home or transfer ownership.
Mike Thornton, Energy Saving Trust’s group director of operations, said: “We welcome the expansion of this innovative scheme into new areas of Scotland. The HEEPS Equity Loan could particularly benefit those on low incomes or facing large repair bills and Home Energy Scotland’s expert advisors are on hand in all of these areas to talk you through the application process.”
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