An offshore worker who was summoned by a sheriff to be personally present for sentencing kept his driving licence yesterday after admitting driving at twice the speed limit.
The case had been dragging on for almost two months as 35-year-old Maryburgh man Donald Campbell was working in Saudi Arabia.
It also drew criticism from Sheriff Margaret Neilson of Campbell’s defence legal team who had initially failed to obtain court permission to excuse Campbell from attending.
Eventually the Sheriff received a written apology from the firm of lawyers as well as a personal apology from solicitor Stephen Farmer last month, who secured an excusal for his client again.
But yesterday (Thursday), Cambell of Wrightfield Park, was present to learn his fate. He was fined £750 and had his licence endorsed with six penalty points.
Campbell had earlier admitted through a local solicitor acting for Road Traffic Law.comspeeding at 105mph in a 50mph zone near the Kessock Bridge on June 26 last year.
He had originally been charged with dangerous driving.