The boss of an Aberdeen-based IT maintenance and support firm for the energy sector has been appointed to the Scottish Government’s Business Excellence Partnership board.
Jeanette Forbes, the founder and chief executive of PCL Group, will represent the government’s Technology Advisory Group (TAG), which she joined last year, as the newly established partnership will seek to support Scotland’s goal of becoming a world class digital nation by 2020.
The Business Excellence Partnership, set up following the government’s 2013 Digital Economy Review, is designed to help businesses of all sizes by encouraging partners to work together to improve digital connectivity.
The key partners include Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Scottish Enterprise, Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland, among others.
“The partnership will play an important role in ensuring that improving Scotland’s digital connectivity is a priority which is shared by all the relevant agencies,” Forbes said.
“Our future is dependent on the strength of our business base and its ability to grow and support our economy. If we are to compete in a global marketplace, our businesses must have the same digital advantages as businesses in other countries.
“I’m delighted to be invited to join the board which gives me the opportunity to support, and represent, the areas which have low digital connectivity which is something I feel very strongly about.”
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