Industry body Step Change in Safety has bolstered its Leadership Team with the addition of seven offshore safety reps.
The new members have joined as part of Step Change’s specially selected group of 18 Elected Safety Reps (ESRs) who are part of the Step Change’s Leadership Team and provide regular feedback on their colleague’s safety concerns.
The new members are: Kimberley Watts (CAN), Mark Williams (Petrofac), Mark Quigley (Petrofac), Thomas Hunter (Bilfinger Salamis), Patrick Ryan (Archer Well), Graeme Ritchie (Rowan Drilling) and Stuart Gibson (WoodGroup PSN).
Les Linklater, executive director for Step Change in Safety, said: “Since 2011 the Elected Safety Representatives have had a huge influence on Step Change’s priorities and activities. It’s especially important that, as the industry navigates its way through the effects of $60 oil, the G18 work alongside the industry’s senior leaders to make sure Step Change’s priorities and activities are aligned with what the workforce needs to stay safe.
“The G18 has a lot to teach us, and I look forward to working with them and seeing how they play their part to continuously improve the safety of the North Sea.”
New recruit Patrick Ryan said: “Being part of the G18 and subsequently the Step Change Leadership Team is a great way to bring the workforce directly to the industry’s leaders. I’ve been working offshore for nine years and have seen first-hand how attitudes towards safety can be at opposite ends of the scale between the workforce and leaders. I hope that by being part of the G18, I can encourage my colleagues to improve their own safety, and guide the industry’s leaders on safety improvements.”
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