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Oil & Gas

Ireland’s black gold dream gives way to sinking finder’s shares

Ireland finally found treasure at the end of the rainbow, or so it seemed in 2012. After drilling in the North Celtic Sea Basin, about 40 miles off the Cork coast, Providence Resources Plc said its Barryroe oil field may hold as many as 1.6 billion barrels. The company’s shares surged, and the government hailed the first “significant” test of oil flows off Ireland for 12 years just as the nation’s debt-ravaged finances cried out for a boost.

Oil & Gas

Oil market losing faith in Libya’s ability to ramp crude

Escalating conflicts in Libya are thwarting a revival of oil output from Africa’s largest crude reserves after a yearlong blockade of eastern ports, just as Societe Generale SA and Barclays Plc predict rising demand. While the government said in early July that traders could buy cargoes again from Es Sider and Ras Lanuf, the biggest blocked ports, neither has shipped anything. In Tripoli, the capital, firefighters are still battling a blaze at a fuel- storage depot caused by clashes between militias that have been struggling for political power in the three years since the ouster and killing of long-time leader Muammar Qaddafi.

All News

Billionaire John Fredriksen’s closest adviser leaves Seatankers for Seadrill

Tor Olav Troeim, billionaire John Fredriksen’s closest adviser, is leaving Seatankers Group after almost 20 years to focus on Seadrill Ltd. and Golar LNG Ltd., in which he acquired shares valued at $260million. Troeim, 51, has bought 3 million shares in Golar LNG, which owns a fleet of liquefied natural gas carriers, and 2 million shares in Seadrill, the world’s largest rig owner by market value, from Fredriksen’s World Shipholding Ltd. and Hemen Holding Ltd., the companies said yesterday.

Oil & Gas

US to deny Russia access to oil production equipment in fresh sanctions

The US and the European Union may move as soon as today to impose tougher sanctions on Russia as Vladimir Putin’s government formulates its response to the growing international pressure. The US will probably deny Russia access to oil-production equipment for use in the Arctic and deep waters, and add more banks and energy companies to a list of those banned from US financing, New York-based Eurasia Group said in a report.


Exxaro buys Total’s South African coal unit for $472million

Exxaro Resources Ltd. agreed to buy Total SA’s South African coal unit, the fifth-largest producer in the country, to gain expanded reserves and rights at the main export harbor for the fuel. Exxaro will acquire 100% of Total Coal South Africa Pty Ltd., known as TCSA, and settle all outstanding loan claims, the Pretoria-based company said in a statement today. The $472million cost of the deal includes the purchase of shares and an $85.5 million loan consideration.


WTI trades near week low; Brent falls

West Texas Intermediate crude traded near the lowest price in a week amid speculation that economic data may signal slowing growth in the US, the world’s biggest oil consumer. Brent declined in London. Futures were little changed in New York after losing 1% last week. A preliminary index of US service industries is forecast at 59.8 for July, the lowest level in three months, a Bloomberg News survey showed before a report from Markit Economics Ltd. today. The Federal Reserve is scheduled to review monetary policy at a two-day meeting starting tomorrow.

Energy Transition

Sold-out crowds await US EPA at carbon-cutting rules hearings

The nation gets its chance this week to blast or praise the Environmental Protection Agency’s sweeping plan to cut climate-warming emissions by 2030. Companies, environmental advocates and citizens will sound off at EPA hearings starting tomorrow in Atlanta, Denver and Washington about the 645-page proposal, unveiled two months ago, to limit carbon-dioxide emissions from power plants. A two-day hearing in Pittsburgh starts July 31. The agency says more than 1,600 people are scheduled to speak and by last week all slots were filled in Atlanta, Denver and Washington.

Oil & Gas

Netherlands despairs justice for dead as Russia trade rules

In the Netherlands, first came the shock, then the rage and now this question: Can this nation go back to business as usual with Russia if investigators conclude that Vladimir Putin’s government supported pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine who killed Dutch citizens? Royal Dutch Shell Plc, which lost four employees in the crash, has declined to comment on whether its business in Russia would be disrupted by the incident. The company has about $6.7billion of oil and gas producing assets in Russia, is exploring for shale gas and plans to expand its Sakhalin-2 project there, according to research by Deutsche Bank AG.