Glencore provides Tullow financing, at a price
Dhir said the Glencore debt and Tullow’s cash, in addition to $800mn of free cash flow from 2023 to 2025, would “allow us to fully address all outstanding 2025 notes”.
Dhir said the Glencore debt and Tullow’s cash, in addition to $800mn of free cash flow from 2023 to 2025, would “allow us to fully address all outstanding 2025 notes”.
The problem is that the rate at which Bowleven is using cash will see it run out “most likely before summer 2024”.
The block is to the north of Block 2913B, where TotalEnergies has made discoveries including Venus.
“Decarbonising production here is critical for those key demand centres of India and China,” KBR’s Blackburn said. The Middle East, given the region’s productive capacity, will be “the ones that lead the way, for sure”.
A Mitsui official, Ryo Zushiden, said the Hai Long project was one of the company’s “most important investments in the renewable energy sector”.
By the end of September, the report said 20 of the 31 NZIA members had left the group.
If governments are serious about achieving decarbonisation targets, there needs to be an honest conversation about how to do so in an environment of perennial macroeconomic uncertainty.
As such, the crude is a good fit for major buyers in Europe, NNPC said, and commands a premium to Brent. The crude has an API of 29 degrees.
“Wherever you find yourself on the energy transition continuum, there are ways to close the gap between aspiration and implementation”.
Dana has said its gas fields in Kurdistan “could be the biggest gas fields in the whole of Iraq”.
“This joint venture demonstrates that direct air capture is becoming an investable technology, and BlackRock’s commitment in Stratos underscores its importance and potential for the world,” Chief Executive Officer Vicki Hollub said in the statement.
OMV had held its licence under force majeure until September this year. It declared the contractual stoppage in 2014.
The Saudi company also noted the importance of gas. During the period, Aramco started up the Hawiyah gas plant expansion, increasing the facility’s capacity by 800 million cubic feet per day.
“Without energy, there is no life. Today, we are doing everything we can to ensure that the African Energy Bank becomes a reality by June 30, 2024,” the Benin minister said.
“We look forward to rapidly bringing these high-value barrels into production. The result also confirms the significant potential of the Dussafu licence where we have multiple additional future prospects.”
The company holds Block 2914B, next to Shell’s Block 2914A. Galp is to the north, at PEL 83, where it intends to begin drilling on the Mopane complex this month.
“In addition, the project is expected to deliver LNG export volumes to global markets, further establishing Senegal as an important and reliable supplier of energy to the world.”
The Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC), on November 1, said it was “determined to enforce the domestic crude oil supply obligations” for Nigerian refineries.
In September, it sold non-operated stakes in the Kaybob Duvernay and Placid Montney for $104 million. The plan is to invest some of the proceeds in international works.
Vice president of exploration Mohd Redhani Abdul Rahman said the success would “drive further exploration for commercially viable hydrocarbon resources in the surrounding areas”.
The two officials denied impropriety. Hamuli told BIJ the process had been “rigorous, transparent and credible … I didn't have to bribe the minister, the poor guy.”
As a result, the drilling company said the rig would be in Equatorial Guinea for around 230 days. Trident also has another two options it could exercise.
Zenith is claiming at least $48 million under the ISCID case. It did not specify a value for the separate ICC proceedings.
Santos has disagreed on the impact of the pipeline. It has an expert opinion stating that there are no specific underwater cultural sites on the proposed route.
“One of our competitors bid pushed the pricing up to a point where probably, our clients thought that they would look at the schedule and the timing and the constraints of that project.”