There were more near field exploration targets planned for 2024. These, it said, would support further expansion at the project. Valeura has raised the possibility of a Nong Yao D platform to follow Nong Yao C.
“What we’re finding now are new businesses and new opportunities are saying ‘if you can do these hydrogen plans, we will come and locate to the region’. That’s a new dynamic we didn’t have a year ago.”
“But most of the cash flow increase is coming from improvements in the quality of the portfolio. We're shifting from mature legacy assets to next generation assets.”
The Leipzig-based company, controlled by EnBW Baden-Wuerttemberg AG, is the first German gas trader to reach such an agreement with the North African country, said the people who asked not to be named as the business is private.
“We will continue to drill … because everybody is excited. We have another exploration potential well on the south of Venus and we continue to appraise what has been discovered.”
The Equinor CEO said he had regular discussions with turbine makers on improving costs. “I’m sure that in time offshore wind will be back with lowering the levelised cost of energy.”
The local content regulations give "line of sight for the next five to 10 years. There’s another six or seven projects that I can see coming, which allows me to double down with investments into hiring and expansion.”
“Another chapter starts now with its own challenges. We will never stop to rest on our laurels and we regularly need to reinvent ourselves by injecting new energy.”
“The sentiment for oil and gas stocks is on the very low side, at least in European markets,” Nordin continued. “There is a clear misalignment in valuations”, he continued, when contrasting market cap with how Tethys is valued within the industry.
“Under our analysis, we see Brazilian production starting to decline around 2029-30,” Welligence’s Fagundes said. “Given how long it takes to develop a big field, [Petrobras] needs to start finding new reserves.”
An Equinor representative confirmed to Energy Voice the company was “now in the market again with concept and feasibility studies related to the Bay du Nord development project”.
“The access to capital is no problem for anybody that understands how to present the asset. And that's what we do. We know how to present the opportunities in the right language.”
However, Savannah said it is still making progress on the various parts of the deal. These include “in-country approvals”, which are required to complete the deal for Petronas’ assets.
"They spend millions lobbying our politicians to double down on unaffordable and dirty fuels, locking us into a future of struggle. Their profit is our loss.”
“This agreement streamlines our Energy portfolio and is in line with the OMV Strategy 2030 of reducing oil and gas production over time,” said OMV CEO Alfred Stern.
“By awarding these contracts, we are taking an important step towards realising the full potential of Al-Shaheen field, which produces around half of Qatar’s crude oil today,” said Minister of State for Energy Affairs, and CEO of QE, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi.
In February 2022, it said it was terminating the contract. Sapura complained that it had been misled about the state of the soil at the Yunlin offshore wind farm site.