Blaze looking for “phenomenal” year after refusing to cut staff
A Laurencekirk fire safety firm is back on track for growth and adding new staff as it has won millions in new contracts in the renewables and mining industries.
A Laurencekirk fire safety firm is back on track for growth and adding new staff as it has won millions in new contracts in the renewables and mining industries.
Two Highland ports are set for job boosts if planning permission is granted for a floating wind energy demonstrator project off Dounreay.
Union leaders representing thousands of nuclear and postal workers across the UK are threatening strike action as employers seek to reduce so called gold-plated final salary pension schemes.
A major shift by a subsea engineering firm into the renewables sector is expected to deliver a major boost to profits and jobs this year.
Oil prices pared gains after earlier hitting 18-month highs yesterday, the first trading day of 2017.
Fears over UK energy security has led small businesses to call on government to reduce barriers preventing firms from producing their own electricity.
A controversial decision to transport spent fuel from Caithness to Sellafield has boosted turnover and profits at the company tasked with decommissioning the Dounreay nuclear power station.
Growth in exports delivered a boost to Balmoral Group’s bottom line of in its 35th year of business.
An Aberdeen-based shipping and oilfield procurement and services group has hailed its “robust” business despite measuring the impact of the oil and gas downturn on its balance sheet.
Oil and gas production in the UK rose while the proportion of electricity produced by renewables in Scotland have hit an all time high, new figures show.
A plan to help maximise the value of North Sea decommissioning for small to medium-sized firms has been published by the Scottish Government’s economic development agencies.
A former trainee car mechanic from Norwich who switched careers to join the UK oil and gas sector at the start of the global downturn, is on track for success after scooping the sector’s Apprentice of the Year Award.
A training academy for barbers that could offer former oil and gas workers a new career opportunity will launch in Aberdeen next year.
The body responsible for the offshore oil and gas industry’s voluntary pollution compensation scheme has announced two appointments to its executive team.
A Bristol-based remote operated vehicle (ROV) company has picked up a £53,441 grant to fund research into underwater 3D modelling technology.
Shares in Hurricane Energy soared nearly 12% yesterday after the North Sea explorer added 100 million barrels of oil to its estimates on a discovery West of Shetland.
The Society of Petroleum Engineers’ (SPE) Aberdeen Section has invested almost £200,000 over the last five years to support initiatives addressing the skills gap in science, technology, engineering and maths (Stem) subjects in the UK.
Balmoral Group has vowed to launch an appeal after it was slapped with a £130,000 fine by the competition watchdog.
Aberdeen is set for a £350million investment bonanza after the city’s harbour board decided to press ahead with its expansion into Nigg Bay.
Businesses in the north-east are facing a "catastrophic" multi-million pound tax bombshell as a new framework for property rates comes into force.
North-east employers have criticised the Scottish Government plans for a £10million skills fund.
North Sea oil and gas firm Canadian Natural Resources (CNR) will boost its drilling programme in the basin after stating it was “is now a more robust and sustainable company”.
Aberdeen well management firm Exceed aims to hire a quarter of the workforce of failed rival Applied Drilling Technology International (ADTI) as it expands its global footprint.
An Aberdeen-based well integrity evaluation company has changed hands in a private equity-backed buy out.
A £1.3billion North Sea field has delivered “first gas” in what has been described as a significant boost to UK energy security.