A huge and emotional outpouring of distressed and angry emails have been received by the leading offshore workers’ trade union RMT since a fatal helicopter crash in Norway killed 13 people last month.
Oil and gas veteran Algy Cluff has hit out at the UK government claiming its energy policy in recent years has delivered “grave threats” to Britain’s energy security.
The new international tax regime being adopted across the world presents a serious risk to the regeneration of the oil and gas sector, specialists have warned.
Given the devastating effects of the worst downturn in the energy sector since 1986, it is no surprise that fewer people are on the shuttle from Aberdeen to Houston for OTC 2016.
North Sea operator Maersk has said its Flyndre development will forge ahead despite creditors terminating charters for two boats contracted to support the project.
The title sponsor of the Press and Journal Energy Ball is backing this year’s event to be another fantastic celebration of the vital oil and gas sector.
Oil giant Shell is expected to tell staff in Aberdeen today that its North Sea headquarters will be based at Tullos in the wake of its takeover of rival BG Group.
Oil giant Shell is running the rule over the potential sale of north Sea assets - but it is too early since its mega-merger with rival BG Group to have decided on a sale process.
But Paul Goodfellow, Shell’s upstream vice-president for the UK and Ireland, said the company may be looking at “innovative deals” like the sale of its Anasuria field.
A split within the Liberal Democrats on fracking has been further exposed after former chief whip Mike Rumbles said he was in favour of lifting an SNP moratorium on the practice.