Calendar An icon of a desk calendar. Cancel An icon of a circle with a diagonal line across. Caret An icon of a block arrow pointing to the right. Email An icon of a paper envelope. Facebook An icon of the Facebook "f" mark. Google An icon of the Google "G" mark. Linked In An icon of the Linked In "in" mark. Logout An icon representing logout. Profile An icon that resembles human head and shoulders. Telephone An icon of a traditional telephone receiver. Tick An icon of a tick mark. Is Public An icon of a human eye and eyelashes. Is Not Public An icon of a human eye and eyelashes with a diagonal line through it. Pause Icon A two-lined pause icon for stopping interactions. Quote Mark A opening quote mark. Quote Mark A closing quote mark. Arrow An icon of an arrow. Folder An icon of a paper folder. Breaking An icon of an exclamation mark on a circular background. Camera An icon of a digital camera. Caret An icon of a caret arrow. Clock An icon of a clock face. Close An icon of the an X shape. Close Icon An icon used to represent where to interact to collapse or dismiss a component Comment An icon of a speech bubble. Comments An icon of a speech bubble, denoting user comments. Comments An icon of a speech bubble, denoting user comments. Ellipsis An icon of 3 horizontal dots. Envelope An icon of a paper envelope. Facebook An icon of a facebook f logo. Camera An icon of a digital camera. Home An icon of a house. Instagram An icon of the Instagram logo. LinkedIn An icon of the LinkedIn logo. Magnifying Glass An icon of a magnifying glass. Search Icon A magnifying glass icon that is used to represent the function of searching. Menu An icon of 3 horizontal lines. Hamburger Menu Icon An icon used to represent a collapsed menu. Next An icon of an arrow pointing to the right. Notice An explanation mark centred inside a circle. Previous An icon of an arrow pointing to the left. Rating An icon of a star. Tag An icon of a tag. Twitter An icon of the Twitter logo. Video Camera An icon of a video camera shape. Speech Bubble Icon A icon displaying a speech bubble WhatsApp An icon of the WhatsApp logo. Information An icon of an information logo. Plus A mathematical 'plus' symbol. Duration An icon indicating Time. Success Tick An icon of a green tick. Success Tick Timeout An icon of a greyed out success tick. Loading Spinner An icon of a loading spinner. Facebook Messenger An icon of the facebook messenger app logo. Facebook An icon of a facebook f logo. Facebook Messenger An icon of the Twitter app logo. LinkedIn An icon of the LinkedIn logo. WhatsApp Messenger An icon of the Whatsapp messenger app logo. Email An icon of an mail envelope. Copy link A decentered black square over a white square.

Erikka Askeland

Erikka Askeland is news editor of Energy Voice

Alex Kemp: Iran sanctions lifting, oil price falling

The price has been coming down for several months because production from Saudi Arabia is strong, from Iraq it’s strong, from Russia it’s quite strong. From the US there’s been a little bit of a fall but not very much. Market makers have been anticipating Iran sanctions to be lifted, but did not know when until quite recently.


Tom Stocker: Legal risks of trading in Iran still exist

The lifting of sanctions on Iran is good news for Scottish exporters and oil and gas service companies, but a legal expert has warned that with a US trade embargo still in place, Western banks remain reluctant to support Iranian related businesses.

Oil & Gas

Shell executive set for BG top job

Top Shell executive Huibert Vigeveno is set to become the transitional chief executive of BG Group after the expected completion of the £34billion “mega-merger” of the two oil giants next month

Oil & Gas

OAA 2016: SPE Offshore Achievement hopefuls unveiled

The shortlist for a leading offshore industry awards scheme has been selected from a record number of applicants. Around 100 hopefuls submitted entries for the 2016 Offshore Achievement Awards (OAA), a record since the awards were re-launched in 2011 by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Aberdeen Section.

Oil & Gas

Brae Alpha platform remains shut down after gas line rupture

A north Sea platform remained shut down last night after a gas line ruptured on board the Brae Alpha. US oil and gas giant Marathon said it was conducting a “comprehensive investigation” into the incident which happened on Boxing Day. The firm said 73 workers remain on board the platform which is which is about 155 miles north east of Aberdeen after initial plans to evacuate were called off.

Energy Transition

Radioactive uranium sent to Sellafield to reprocess

Dounreay Site Restoration (DSRL) confirmed it has sent 11 tonnes of “breeder” material - consisting of radioactive uranium - to Sellafield’s Magnox reprocessing facility last year, representing about a quarter of the material stored on site.