Calendar An icon of a desk calendar. Cancel An icon of a circle with a diagonal line across. Caret An icon of a block arrow pointing to the right. Email An icon of a paper envelope. Facebook An icon of the Facebook "f" mark. Google An icon of the Google "G" mark. Linked In An icon of the Linked In "in" mark. Logout An icon representing logout. Profile An icon that resembles human head and shoulders. Telephone An icon of a traditional telephone receiver. Tick An icon of a tick mark. Is Public An icon of a human eye and eyelashes. Is Not Public An icon of a human eye and eyelashes with a diagonal line through it. Pause Icon A two-lined pause icon for stopping interactions. Quote Mark A opening quote mark. Quote Mark A closing quote mark. Arrow An icon of an arrow. Folder An icon of a paper folder. Breaking An icon of an exclamation mark on a circular background. Camera An icon of a digital camera. Caret An icon of a caret arrow. Clock An icon of a clock face. Close An icon of the an X shape. Close Icon An icon used to represent where to interact to collapse or dismiss a component Comment An icon of a speech bubble. Comments An icon of a speech bubble, denoting user comments. Comments An icon of a speech bubble, denoting user comments. Ellipsis An icon of 3 horizontal dots. Envelope An icon of a paper envelope. Facebook An icon of a facebook f logo. Camera An icon of a digital camera. Home An icon of a house. Instagram An icon of the Instagram logo. LinkedIn An icon of the LinkedIn logo. Magnifying Glass An icon of a magnifying glass. Search Icon A magnifying glass icon that is used to represent the function of searching. Menu An icon of 3 horizontal lines. Hamburger Menu Icon An icon used to represent a collapsed menu. Next An icon of an arrow pointing to the right. Notice An explanation mark centred inside a circle. Previous An icon of an arrow pointing to the left. Rating An icon of a star. Tag An icon of a tag. Twitter An icon of the Twitter logo. Video Camera An icon of a video camera shape. Speech Bubble Icon A icon displaying a speech bubble WhatsApp An icon of the WhatsApp logo. Information An icon of an information logo. Plus A mathematical 'plus' symbol. Duration An icon indicating Time. Success Tick An icon of a green tick. Success Tick Timeout An icon of a greyed out success tick. Loading Spinner An icon of a loading spinner. Facebook Messenger An icon of the facebook messenger app logo. Facebook An icon of a facebook f logo. Facebook Messenger An icon of the Twitter app logo. LinkedIn An icon of the LinkedIn logo. WhatsApp Messenger An icon of the Whatsapp messenger app logo. Email An icon of an mail envelope. Copy link A decentered black square over a white square.

Mark Selby

Grid & Retail

AI ambitions: Re-evaluating UK data centre power demand

Turning the UK into an AI powerhouse implies a lot more energy consumption. However, a large number of data centres already exist, and power demand is lower than ten years ago. Digitalisation makes an economy less energy intensive rather than more.

Energy Transition

‘The limits of feasibility’ – can the UK achieve clean power by 2030?

A clean power system by 2030 will require key elements of the UK’s energy system to deliver simultaneously “at the limits of what is feasible”, according to the UK’s National System Operator (NESO). In a three-part series, focusing on bulk generation, connectivity and operational flexibility, Energy Voice examines the UK’s chances of success.


The LNG curse: a political blessing in disguise?

A looming glut of LNG will loosen global energy markets in the next few years. Might this ease UK energy bills in time for the next general election?


‘Clean power by 2030’: net-zero targets versus common sense

It was bad luck for Ed Miliband that his appearance before the House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee fell on the same day that a report by Cornwall Insight predicted the UK would fall 32GW short of his ‘clean power by 2030’ target.


Green hydrogen subsidies pose substantial political risk

Hydrogen production is critically dependent on the availability of cheap, low-carbon electricity, efficiency gains and demand creation. The UK is targeting up to 10 GW of low-carbon hydrogen capacity by 2030. It will need billions of pounds a year in subsidies. Is the UK prepared to pay the cost?


Fixing the UK’s ‘broken’ energy market

The Labour government promised to fix Britain’s broken energy market, as did Conservative governments before it, but is it really broken and does it need fixing?

Grid & Retail

2024 in Review: A landmark year for the UK’s renewable energy transition

This year will undoubtedly be remembered as a watershed for renewable electricity generation in the UK. By the end of 2024, it is likely to be the first full year in which low-carbon renewables – wind, solar, and hydropower – generated more electricity than fossil fuels.