UK Energy Secretary Amber Rudd has been urged to meet green energy developers in Scotland after the Westminster Government scrapped a subsidies scheme for onshore wind farms.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has already branded the move “wrong-headed, perverse and downright outrageous“, while Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing claims it is “irrational“ and “deeply regrettable“.
As the UKCS celebrates 50 years of oil and gas in the North Sea take a look at how many oil and gas facilities now dot the seascape.
This interactive infographic shows offers a glimpse of the energy make up from 25 years ago.
In comparison to 2014, coal was the predominant force 25 years ago in energy consumption in the UK at 67%.
A Dutch court ordered the government to cut the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25% by 2020.
Activists hope that the groundbreaking ruling will now set a worldwide precedent.
The Hague District Court made the ruling in a case brought by a sustainability organisation on behalf of some 900 citizens, claiming that the government has a duty of care to protect its people against looming dangers - including the effects of climate change on this low-lying country.
Cuardrilla fracking protesters have taken to the streets ahead of today's council decision.
Fashion designer and personality Vivienne Westwood is among those expected to attend a rally outside Lancashire County Hall in Preston.
UK Oil and Gas (UKOG) is poised to take the onshore market by storm.
The firm confirmed in its latest company results that it had the finance and technology partners to leverage its prospects – which includes Horse Hill’s 9.2 billion barrel find.
Faroe Petroleum has managed to reduce its operating costs to $22 per barrel.
The independent oil and gas company confirmed the five-month run at $22pb in its latest production update.
In turn, the firm’s cash and net cash increased from £14million in December to £107million and £84million in May this year.
When John Browne felt a stabbing pain below his stomach while more than 110 miles from home in the North Sea, he had no idea what was in store for him.
Over the next 24 hours, the father-of-two endured a pain so severe began fearing the worst - and wondering what would happen to his wife and children.
But after being airlifted to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, the Inverurie oil worker was immediately put at ease thanks to the dedication of the doctors, nurses and porters.
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) confirmed production figures were down month and month.
Total production for oil, NGL and condensate topped out at 1,866,000 barrels for the month of May.
Earlier in the week Amber Rudd gave a parliamentary speech on the controversial curtailment of onshore wind subsidies, but at the same time gave some positive signals on future prospects for UK offshore wind.
uncillors will decide today on whether to give the green light to fracking for shale gas in Lancashire.
Energy firm Cuadrilla wants to develop two new sites between Preston and Blackpool to explore for shale gas by drilling, fracking and testing the flow of gas.
The Nigerian president has confirmed the country’s coffers have run dry.
Newly elected Muhammadu Buhari was speaking to reporters when he said one of his immediate challenges was a Treasury that’s “virtually empty” and debts totaling billions.
Residents living near a proposed fracking site have urged councillors to “be brave” and refuse to give it the go-ahead.
Energy firm Cuadrilla wants to develop two new sites between Preston and Blackpool to explore for shale gas by drilling, fracking and testing the flow of gas.
A report from Lancashire County Council planning officials recommended that one of the sites - at Preston New Road near Little Plumpton - be passed subject to a number of conditions being met such as hours of working, control of noise and highway matters.
PetroNeft has heralded its “transformative year” in the wake its of Oil India farmout deal.
The firm, which owns and operates licences 61 and 67 in the Russian basin, confirmed plans to move ahead with production in its latest company results.
Svein Kvalavaag, the captain of the Norwegian Siem Pilot vessel, said yesterday that he picked up 671 from two wooden boats north of the Libyan capital, Tripoli. Late last night, he was asked to take 99 more migrants who had been rescued by a Russian tanker.
Mr Kvalavaag told the Norwegian industry site that the 770 people included 140 women, of whom three were pregnant, and 45 children. They were all taken to the southern Italian island of Sicily.
Petrofac’s share price rose nearly 10% to 939p despite mounting costs.
The firm confirmed staffing issues, work delays and harsh weather conditions led to an additional £30million in incurred costs for its Laggan-Tormore project . The bloated expenditure brings the company’s total loss in the year to date to £140million.
ONS has confirmed the theme of its 2016 conference as ‘Transition’.
Conference chief executive Leif Johan Sevland said theme reflected current market constraints.
Petrofac confirmed mounting costs from its Laggan-Tormore project will see its profits “significantly weighted” towards the second half of the year.
The firm detailed an additional £30million of costs it has incurred with the flagship gas development in the Shetland Islands, bringing their total loss in the year to date to £140million.
Councillors will meet today to discuss plans to frack for shale gas.
Energy firm Cuadrilla wants to develop two new sites between Preston and Blackpool to explore for shale gas by drilling, fracking and testing the flow of gas.
A report from Lancashire County Council planning officials recommended that one of the sites - at Preston New Road near Little Plumpton - be passed subject to a number of conditions being met such as hours of working, control of noise and highway matters.
Climate change could have “potentially catastrophic effects” for human health, undermining all the health gains in the last half century, experts have warned.
But tackling climate change by cutting emissions from energy, transport and agriculture could provide a great global health opportunity, with benefits ranging from improved diets to fewer deaths and disease caused by air pollution.
Experts who contributed to The Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change said funding to keep global temperatures from rising by more than 2C, seen as a threshold above which the worst impacts are expected, was a good investment.
They called on governments to phase out coal-fired power plants and improve cities to promote healthy, greener lifestyles, making them better places to walk and cycle to cut pollution and obesity, and boosting insulation to cut energy use and cold-related deaths and disease.
Politicians should also bring in carbon pricing to push up the price of high carbon goods and services to make people change their behaviour, while reducing the cost of other taxes such as VAT, boosting investment or cutting the price of low-carbon technology.