An independent oil and gas consulting firm has confirmed there is “significant” gas potential at the Kechoula structure in Morocco.
GLJ Petroleum consultants carried out the evaluation work for PetroMaroc of the Undiscovered Petroleum Initially in Place (UPIIP)
As the Deep Offshore Technology International wraps up in Aberdeen for the first time in its 30-year history, the Press and Journal Energy editor Jeremy Creswell gives his highlight from the event.
Wood Group Kenny (WGK) has landed the front end engineering design (FEED) contract for the subsea and pipeline element of the Peterhead Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) project in Aberdeenshire.
David Cameron has been challenged to shelve the Climate Change Act and adopt “common sense” energy policies by Tory former environment secretary Owen Paterson.
Colombian farmers are coming to court seeking compensation from BP for serious damage they allege was caused by negligence in the building of a pipeline across their land.
Young oil and gas workers have been invited to an industry first event which will focus on ‘soft skills’ which could help them succeed.
Skills including networking, communication and presentation skills will be discussed by members of three of the oil and gas industry’s professional societies.