MOL Energy follows $430million acquisition with three senior appointments
MOL Energy UK has bolstered its leadership ranks with three senior appointments.
MOL Energy UK has bolstered its leadership ranks with three senior appointments.
Cairn Energy has sold a 10% interest in the Catcher Development in the North Sea to Dyas UK for up to $182million.
UK Oil & Gas confirmed the operations on Horse Hill-1 are now drilling at a rate of 30ft per hour.
MX Oil has fully incorporated its joint venture company Geo Estratos. The move is a strategic play in allowing MX Oil to leverage Mexico’s re-opened private sector.
The Oslo Stock Exchange has approved the listing of Aker Solutions Holding ASA.
A group of Korean companies has snapped up Total’s midstream Utica Assets for $450million.
Prime Minister David Cameron has voiced his support for air strikes carried out by the United States and Arab allies on Islamic State militants in Syria.
Statoil has lent its voice to the climate change debate.
Prime Minister David Cameron is joining more than 120 world leaders, including US president Barack Obama, today at a summit convened by United Nations secretary general Ban Ki-Moon with the intention of restoring momentum to the international battle against climate change.
Faroe Petroleum’s first half results were hit by shut-ins to its Njord and Hyme fields.
Thousands of people took to the streets to demand swift action to curb climate concerns.
A strike over pensions came to an end after successful talks were held between Nigeria’s oil unions and its Petroleum Minister.
Total has announced a host of new cost cutting measures.
A new compressor installed on the Kvitebjørn field in the North Sea will extend the project’s life by eight years. The firm confirmed the compressor will boost the recovery rate by up to 70%, increasing the field’s final production by an additional 220 million barrels of oil equivalent.
Growing up in California, politics was something we discussed openly as a family around the dinner table, and I can still clearly recall the overwhelming sense of pride I had when I cast my first ever ballot as a registered voter.
Riverstone Holdings has committed $225million to Mexico’s first independent exploration and production company. Earlier this year, Mexico opened its energy doors allowing for private competition in the industry for the first time in more than seven decades.
The US is said to have made a step in the right direction with Iran regarding the country’s nuclear ambitions.
Institutional investors managing £15trillion of assets have called for an ambitious global climate deal to give them certainty to invest in clean technology.
Caza Oil & Gas' decision to deploy specialist frac technologies to leverage its reservoir capabilities has paid off. The US-focused exploration company confirmed its Broadcaster Bone Spring Well, located in Lee County, New Mexico, was fractured to stimulate in 40 stages earlier this month. Two days later the well produced a 24 hour gross rate of 2,621 barrels (bbls) of oil equivalent, which is comprised of 2,062 bbls of oil and 3.36 million cubic feet of natural gas. The firm dubbed the well “very strong” and expects peak production to be achieved before the end of the month.
JDR’s chief executive has left the company after three years’ of service.
Statoil has confirmed it will temporarily suspend the use of the COSL pioneer drilling rig. The firm credited “overcapacity” in its rig portfolio for the lay-up.
The finalists for the Oil and Gas UK Awards have been announced.
Sound Oil chairman Simon Davies is confident a $14million investment injection will see the company turn its possibility portfolio into real-time production figures.
The arrest of a Russian billionaire has sent shares in his holding company into a tailspin.
Leni Gas and Oil has managed to bring its second Goudron Field well on stream.