Sentencing delayed for engineer guilty of Macondo cover-up
A former BP engineer found guilty of obstructing the investigation into the Deepwater Horizon disaster has had his sentencing delayed until August.
A former BP engineer found guilty of obstructing the investigation into the Deepwater Horizon disaster has had his sentencing delayed until August.
A worker on the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan has died after being buried while carrying out clear-up work on the site.
Ireland’s National Trust has been given the go-ahead to challenge a decision giving permission for a new nuclear power station on the west coast of England.
The Finance Secretary has promised to update figures on oil revenues after claims they were “inflated” to support the economic case for independence.
The Scottish Government is facing renewed calls to update “inflated” figures on oil production.
Regulators are being urged to launch an investigation into the energy market amid fresh claims that it is “broken”.
Scottish Government projections on oil and gas revenues are “skewed in an optimistic manner”, a group of academics have said.
European leaders have vowed to wean the continent off oil and gas imports from Russia as a new international blacklist of senior Russian figures was drawn up
Tories have accused the Scottish Government of being reckless by “overstating” the likely income from oil and gas.
The world’s third largest offshore wind farm, capable of powering more than a million homes and creating more than 5,000 jobs, has been cleared for construction off the Scottish coast.
An inquiry into a North Sea helicopter crash that killed 16 men has found that the crash could have been avoided.
Rail, Maritime and Transport union leader Bob Crow has died, it has been announced.
Libyan military forces have impounded a tanker looking to export crude oil from a rebel-held port as the country's battle over its lucrative petroleum resources continues.
The operators of the UK's Stanlow refinery have denied claims that it is planning to shut the installation due to poor economic conditions.
Energy companies will be forced to introduce smartphone-readable codes to help consumers easily compare their bills against offers from competitors under plans announced today.
The first subsea electricity link between Scotland and Wales has been hailed as “a perfect symbol” of the UK’s single energy market by a Westminster Coalition minister.
BG Group has been given a £90million boost after the US Supreme Court upheld its efforts to reinstate an arbitration award against Argentina.
Ofgem has called on energy suppliers to return money to former customers after finding that the companies hold more than £400 million in credit from closed accounts.
BP has been ordered back to court next month as the company prepares to hear how much it faces paying in damages for the Macondo disaster.
An Aberdeenshire marine equipment specialist has made two made two new management appointments.
Protests at a Chevron gas plant in Nigeria have ended after a war of words between the oil giant and local workers over the incident.
Norwegian oil and gas output stayed steady for the first month of 2014, according to figures from the country's petroleum directorate.
Oil giant BP will be dragged back to court after an appeals court over securities fraud claims after an oil spill in Alaska.
Regulators should refer the “broken” energy market for a full competition inquiry after figures showed the Big Six companies received more than 5.5 million complaints last year, watchdog Which? has said.
A Chevron worker remains unaccounted for this morning after a major gas well fire in Pennsylvania.