Aberdeen and Western Isles have ‘weathered the worst’ of housing market downturn
Property experts have said that the north-east has “weathered the worst” of the housing market downturn.
Property experts have said that the north-east has “weathered the worst” of the housing market downturn.
A North Sea helicopter pilot has raised £4,000 for charity by cycling 400 miles through the mountains, rainforests and towns of Kenya alongside seven tetraplegic athletes.
A new era has begun for a north-east business conceived over pre-match drinks before Aberdeen FC games at Pittodrie Stadium.
The Government's new smart meter rollout timetable for a device in 85% of homes by 2024 cannot be met, the energy industry has warned.
A not-for-profit company which supplies low-cost heating to more than 3,400 homes around Aberdeen has been singled out for praise in a new report.
British Gas has won its appeal against regulator Ofgem over claims the way the energy price cap had been calculated was unfair, a court has ruled.
A two million pound pot has been funded to help north-east start-ups grow to a level which will boost the local economy and employment.
SSE swung from a £285 million pre-tax loss in the first six months of 2018 into a £129 million profit this year, the company said on Wednesday in the first results since selling its energy supply arm to challenger brand Ovo, a deal which will be completed early next year.
Rapid and widespread changes are needed across the world's energy systems to tackle climate change and ensure sustainable development, experts have said.
Inverness and Aberdeen are ranked top in Scotland, and among the top 10 locations overall in league tables of the best cities to live and work in the UK.
The Scottish Greens are to put the "climate emergency" at the centre of their General Election campaign.
A new green energy manifesto released by a Scottish trade body has put a range of measures before the next UK Government in an effort to boost renewable energy development.
BP Ventures is investing £8.6 million in MaaS Global, a provider of digital mobility software designed to make transport easier and smarter.
A north-east oil worker has admitted sending threats to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, saying she should “take a bullet” over her stance on independence.
The general secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has announced he will be stepping down from the role in May after almost 15 years in charge.
Extinction Rebellion has won a High Court challenge against the Metropolitan Police over a London-wide protest ban.
Enormous changes are afoot to help grow the Aberdeen economy in the coming years as uncertainty and fierce competition from other growing cities become the new norm.
Plans are under way to build a development with more than 100 houses on the outskirts of the city.
The cost of ignoring mental health issues in the workplace is too steep to ignore.
One of the country’s most respected regeneration tsars has warned Aberdeen should not become complacent following millions of pounds worth of investment in the city.
Anderson Anderson & Brown (AAB) Wealth has appointed financial services industry heavyweight Benny Higgins as its first non-executive chairman.
Stormy weather battered the north and north-east over the weekend, with strong winds ripping an oil platform from a pier in Shetland.
Scores of people gathered at a special ceremony on Saturday to commemorate all those in the UK oil and gas industry who lost their lives offshore.
An energy firm has moved forward with plans for a £200 million incinerator on the outskirts of a north-east town.
An oil giant is seeking a new tenant for a former school for the children of European oil workers, The Press and Journal understands.