Energy prices stop growth, claims manufacturers’ body
The Government is being urged to mount an “all out attack” on rising industrial energy prices amid fears of a threat to jobs and economic growth.
The Government is being urged to mount an “all out attack” on rising industrial energy prices amid fears of a threat to jobs and economic growth.
A senior UK Government minister has dismissed proposals to set up an oil fund in an independent Scotland as a “pipe dream”.
Oil and gas industry chiefs raised major concerns last night about the impact of strict new safety rules governing North Sea helicopters.
Anti-windfarm campaigners were celebrating last night after a power giant abandoned two controversial north projects.
A new UK oil and gas regulator should be established in Scotland to replace the “under-resourced and under-powered” Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) operation, according to Scotland’s Energy Minister.
Aberdeenshire marine safety specialist Survival Craft Inspectorate is creating 100 new jobs as it gears up to meet new maritime safety regulations coming into force in July this year.
Dundee University has been named an associate partner in a £2.8million project to provide training for the next generation of oil and gas professionals.
South Sudan is trying to evacuate foreign oil workers from its Upper Nile region after fighting erupted between government forces and rebel fighters in the state capital three days ago, a government official said.
The world’s largest fuel cell park began operations in South Korea consisting of power plants developed by FuelCell Energy.
Shell is set to sell off its downstream businesses in Australia for $2.6billion (£1.5billion).
A record number of oil and gas industry professionals are set to attending next month’s Offshore Achievement Awards in Aberdeen.
Major changes to offshore helicopter safety, including stopping flights in the most severe conditions, have been announced by air regulators.
Shares in Chinese oil giant Sinopec have surged as the firm launched a bid for private investors in a sale of its retail unit which could net more than £12billion.
BP has been ordered back to court next month as the company prepares to hear how much it faces paying in damages for the Macondo disaster.
The man who designed the prototype for many of the offshore support vessels working in the North Sea has been given a lifetime achievement award.
British Gas owner Centrica has revealed a £571 million profit haul from its residential energy arm for 2013 months after hiking gas and electricity prices.
An interactive guide to the key moments in the Super Puma tragedy.
A further 250 jobs are set to be created through plans for a gas development in the North Sea.
Scots oil and gas engineering firm Premier Hytemp has appointed Campbell MacPherson as its new chief executive.
Spending on floating production systems could rocket over the next four years, a new report has claimed.
North Sea operator EnQuest has launched a new incident management tool aimed at improving safety on the UK continental shelf.
Atlantic-focused exploration firm Chariot Oil & Gas has appointed two new independent non-executive directors to its board.
South Sudanese rebels and government forces fought for control of the capital of oil-rich Upper Nile state, the only region in the world’s newest nation that’s still producing crude two months after violence erupted.
Global Energy Group has further expanded its operations in the Cromarty Firth with the acquisition of a leading Invergordon-based towage business.
The UK needs to train 100,000 engineers a year if it is to ensure healthy future economic growth, an industry boss has warned.