A north-east man who was held captive for 30 days by Nigerian militants says firms need to win the “hearts and minds” of the local people if they are to bring an end to the trouble.
The safety expert who chaired the US government's investigation into the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster says operators should be held responsible for offshore disasters.
Council chiefs yesterday chose a preferred development partner for a new £185million exhibition and conference centre at a site near the city’s international airport.
The body of a welder who sparked a massive search operation after falling into the sea from a platform in the Gulf of Mexico has been recovered by rescuers.
A special episode of Only Fools and Horses made to encourage children into the oil and gas industry has resurfaced online after being lost for 30 years.
A consortium of Franco-German firms has landed a £450million contract to design and maintain buildings at the world's biggest experimental fusion facility.
Investment in the global energy industry supply chain rose by more than 15% in the last three months as the number of new oil, gas and renewable projects announced around the world increased by a third.
An Aberdeen IT services company is looking to roll out its services into the global energy industry following the recent appointment of a client director.
BP says it plans to sell off a further £6billion of assets over the next few months after seeing profits fall by more than $1.billion in the last year.