Oil services companies in Aberdeen are set to follow the lead of Wood Group PSN, which announced plans to slash rates it pays to contractors 10% in an effort to cut spiralling costs.
A top boss at Bristow, one of the North Sea’s big three helicopter operators, says the company has no issue with accepting and adopting the raft of measures that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) plans to implement from next month.
In many respects, however, the fiscal changes discussed are the most straightforward to implement. More challenging may prove to be the legal and regulatory innovations that the Review proposes.
The safety review of UK North Sea commercial helicopter operations by the UK Civil Aviation Authority and Norway CAA, started in October last year and from which emerged a stack of actions and recommendations, has certainly shaken the offshore industry . . . workers and companies alike.
Despite the many improvements that the 61 measures variously recommended or commanded by the CAA, many offshore workers are both angry and worried about the implications for their jobs.
Scottish offshore excellence will once again be showcased on the world stage at this year’s Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston, which I also have the pleasure of attending as Energy Minister for the third year.
In our special Young Energy edition of Energy published in March, we reviewed a selection of oil industry recruitment presentations made by schools that took part in a competition run by the Society for Petroleum Engineers and International Coiled Tubing Association.
A groundbreaking research project to measure offshore workers' body size and shape with 3D scanners in Aberdeen has assumed a dramatic relevance as a result of the Civil Aviation Authority's diktats regarding North Sea helicopters.
The industry must start providing solutions to bridge the much talked about ‘skills gap’, according to a helicopter boss.
CHC regional director for the West North Sea, Mark Abbey, spoke of curbing the divide as the firm welcomed its first batch of aspiring apprentices to Aberdeen
A leading academic yesterday described the SNP’s 18-month timetable for a divorce settlement between Scotland and the rest of the UK as “very, very tight”.
Robert Gordon University researcher Urenna Ekeh has developed an eco-friendly demulsifier aimed at turning by-products of oil and gas drilling into environmentally-friendly components.
In this final part of our thumbnail sketch of the North Sea, it falls to me to try to paint a picture of the future. So I raked around my desk drawer for the bag of rune stones that I keep especially for such occasions, gave them a rattle and scattered them on the floor.
These are worrying times for many in the North Sea with question marks hanging over one of its most fundamental activities of crew changes for offshore installations. It is everyone’s understandable wish to be able to travel safely to and from their place of work and discussions around this issue can be emotive, sometimes driven by fear and confusion about the actual risks
With declining oil production, rising costs and a crisis in exploration, the North Sea is at a crossroads. Press and Journal Business Editor Ryan Crighton reports on what the industry needs to do to remedy its problems.
The brother of a man killed in a North Sea helicopter crash spoke of his family’s “five years of heartache” as he renewed calls for the operator to be prosecuted.