Exclusive: Prime Minister David Cameron has suggested that the UK Government could step in and take action to address concerns over helicopter safety in the North Sea oil and gas industry.
A row broke out last night after a union accused prosecutors of suppressing information about an offshore copter crash in the North Sea five years ago.
UK and Norwegian aviation chiefs are to launch a joint review of offshore helicopter safety in the wake of last month's fatal Super Puma crash off Shetland.
What is the purpose, I wonder, of these stunts by Greenpeace other than for self-gratifying, media focused, dangerous and attention seeking acts – they even have to take their own photographs and video.
Exclusive: Scotland's top law officer says the families of last month’s offshore helicopter crash victims must not face a long drawn-out wait for answers.
Former UK Government transport secretary Alistair Darling has refused to support Labour calls for a full public inquiry into helicopter safety in the North Sea.
With less than a fortnight to go until the UK Government's consultation on electricity market reform draws to a close, one vital question remains unanswered – will the strike prices proposed stimulate the level of renewable energy investment envisaged by the UK Government?
The chairwoman of a powerful Westminster committee investigating helicopter safety in the North Sea wants its inquiry to start within weeks – but believes a wider probe may also be needed.
From time to time along the years I have warned that Asia-Pacific and particularly Chinese interests are circling the North Sea, looking for opportunities; through oil and gas asset acquisitions, nice big contracts and takeover opportunities within the supply chain.
Yesterday, hundreds of people gathered to remember the Super Puma crash victim, who died along with three other offshore workers when their helicopter crashed off Shetland.
He was an idol to his son, the best dad in the world to his daughter – and a big man with a huge personality to his hundreds of colleagues and friends.
Air accident investigators probing the Shetland Super Puma crash revealed yesterday that both engines were delivering power until the aircraft hit the sea.
The chairwoman of the UK’s Health and Safety Executive has paid tribute to the leadership shown by the North Sea industry’s Step Change in Safety team since the helicopter crash two weeks ago.