Rewriting the hydrocarbons book
The hydrocarbons landscape is going through dramatic changes and worries over peak oil appear to have been pushed to one side for now.
The hydrocarbons landscape is going through dramatic changes and worries over peak oil appear to have been pushed to one side for now.
BP is not a company that has needed to seek its problems over the past few years. Aside from the near-catastrophic experience of the Macondo incident, the Russian joint venture TNK-BP has been a thorn in the super-major's side for the last five years.
Those of you who turn to Energy to escape from the interminable debate about Scotland's constitutional future may be in for a disappointment.
Skills, training and workforce safety are at the heart of the oil and gas industry, no matter which role you play or country you work in.
The announcement that Cairn Energy will buy Nautical Petroleum is good news for an already buoyant North Sea, coming hot on the heals of Cairn's acquisition of Agora Oil and Gas.
In UK waters, 10 mobile units are currently employed on E&A drilling operations - exploration wells, including a single sidetrack, account for three of these while seven appraisal wells including two sidetracks are active.
I take it pretty much for granted that if you're an "Energy" reader then you're someone that's curious about what goes on in the world.
Big questions are being asked at the moment about how competency should be defined within the oil and gas industry.
Since 2000, macroeconomic stability and growth potential in the energy sector have contributed to investors' increasing willingness to invest in Kazakhstan according to Ernst & Young's second "Attractiveness Survey" of this Caspian state.
We probably all have hobbies or special interests. My elder daughter often berates me for the amount of time in my life I have spent watching football, either live or on television. Sadly, that must add up to years' despite my being an Inverness Caley Thistle and Scotland supporter.
The Scottish Government has launched an oil and gas industry strategy which targets higher long-term recovery rates, increased exports and £30billion annual sales by 2020.
An oil & gas industry strategy for Scotland, targeting higher long-term recovery rates, greater exports and £30billion supply chain annual sales by 2020 is plain commonsense.
It's only a few months since I talked in this column about shale gas around the world but already there have been some significant further developments.
One would not normally link the 1962 Neil Sedaka hit with the oil and gas sector but never has the line "Breaking up is hard to do" been more apt than in 2012.
I think we are all guilty of making up our minds on Nigeria without actually knowing a great deal about either the place or the people.
Oil and gas service companies operating out of the UK, and in particular Aberdeen, have not been slow to recognise the huge potential in the emerging African offshore hydrocarbon sector.
This summer, the entire country will be gripped by a spectacular showcase of sporting achievement, with the greatest show on Earth, the Olympics and Paralympics, and the biggest prize in European football, Euro 2012.
We may have been enjoying the recent spells of warm, sunny weather but perhaps when we changed into our summer clothes we might have noticed that they were a bit more of a tighter fit than last summer!
There was not much good news for consumers at the All-Energy 2012 Conference in Aberdeen.
This is a personal view based on personal experience of harvesting wind energy.
Around the world there is strong consensus that we are about to see significant changes in the way we use and generate electricity.
All-Energy is a landmark in the year for everyone in renewables; a chance to meet up with the people that make the industry tick; and a chance to reflect on the progress of this still very 'green' segment of the energy world.
Governments love target-setting for two not very good reasons. The first is that the targets, set in the distant future, invariably sound more impressive than the current reality.
With fossil fuel prices climbing inexorably and outstripping background inflation, the notion of maximising the use of renewables is surely a no-brainer. Isn't it? Something that would surely gain big time support?
I am currently in the South Pacific on a project intended to raise renewable energy output in the region.