Shell’s half billion barrels in the Orange Basin
“We are making ongoing evaluations to determine the exact size of these fields and continuously improve our estimates to determine commerciality.”
“We are making ongoing evaluations to determine the exact size of these fields and continuously improve our estimates to determine commerciality.”
“The critiques are continuing so we don’t move,” Nankabirwa said. “I’m not worried, I am just annoyed”, the minister said in reference to criticism from environmental NGOs. “Uganda is a sovereign state, you cannot dictate to us. I pray I don’t come across such people.”
It intends to acquire 3D streamer seismic in addition to ocean bottom node (OBN) data. The latter provides “cleaner” data than that gathered by traditional seismic.
Afentra CEO Paul McDade said the company was committed to working in Angola. The next step involves negotiating licences with ANPG.
"We are very disappointed that we could not reach agreement with United Energy Egypt to sell the Abu Sennan concession,” said United CEO Brian Larkin.
The LIA said the work was “one of the largest exploratory projects” in Libya, with exploration on- and offshore. A and B are onshore, while C is offshore.
“As we continue to optimise our portfolio, we look forward to enhancing our position as the leading independent gas-focused exploration, development and production company in the region." Energean plans to spend $400-500 million this year.
Saipem said there had been “alleged irregularities in the award”. The CGU amended its previous ban, from December 2022, with this new order of a two-year suspension.
Galp will drill Mopane-1X deeper, in order to explore further targets, it said. Once the work is complete, it will relocate the rig to drill Mopane-2X for further evaluation.
Total is gaining a 10.5% stake in Block 2913B and 9.39% in Block 2912. The French company is the operator and has made a number of discoveries in the area, including the giant Venus find.
Seplat CEO Roger Brown said ANOH was an “important strategic project” for the company. "It will roughly double our gas production, and we are focused on the path to first gas”, he said.
Success at Mopane would represent a step forward for Namibia’s Orange Basin.
Nguema said the purchase of Assala was intended to increase the state’s share of revenues. The move, he said, would allow Gabon to “demonstrate its sovereignty in the oil sector, which is the heart of the economy”.
The companies plan to test the Tobias-14 and then Tobias-13 wells, it said. Assuming success, they will then move into the next phase, which will cover designing the EPS.
Petrobras signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Shell in March 2023, on the sidelines of CERAWeek.
“It helps them, it’s beneficial for both sides,” Maxwell said. “It’s a lot of give and taken. We don’t always have a meeting of minds, but it doesn’t prevent us from sitting down.”
“Blocks 46 and 47 have never been explored before and represent a new frontier exploration area that can be a game changer for our company and the country’s energy industry."
It expects the overall chance that one of the three prospects is commercial to be 91%. All three prospects can be drilled from a single well with two sidetracks.
The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) approved the seismic on November 16. The plan also requires approval from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment.
“We intend to continue our back-to-back drilling campaign over the remaining term of the contract by appraising the Jonker discovery and drilling at least one more exploration well.”
“We farmed out an interest to Afren and so we are delighted with what is a most positive and significant development and we look forward to working with our partner Octant in realising Tanga’s significant potential.”
“We are very focused on resolving all investment-related issues. There is no bottleneck that is too difficult for us to remove”, the president said. “We need each other … we want you to do more.”
Maurel CEO Olivier de Langavant welcomed the “partnership with TPDC that will reinforce the basis for the mutual benefit of the next phase of development at Mnazi Bay”.
“It’s been a long time, for me, it’s been 12 years in the making from the first time we looked at the acreage,” managing director Scott Macmillan explained to Energy Voice. “We had a couple of difficulties at Mukuyu-2 but we finally got there.”
Energean CEO Mathios Rigas described the deal as “an exciting step in the next stage of our development, one that can only enhance our position as the pre-eminent independent natural gas producer listed in London”.