Decommissioning remains a big consideration for any investor in the UKCS and, indeed, anyone divesting their interests. This is especially the case where the interests in licences which are changing hands are mature assets with a significant number of wells and attendant infrastructure.
With a decommissioning bill currently estimated at around £50 billion for the UKCS alone, the pressure is on to get the job done for even less – and smarter.
As decommissioning becomes a significant part of activity on the UK Continental Shelf, more businesses are taking the opportunity to expand their existing offerings to include decommissioning-related services.
The delivery of a North Sea oil platform to Lerwick highlights the Shetland port’s status as a “centre of excellence” for decommissioning, a joint-venture has said.
North Sea decommissioning cost forecasts have dropped because companies are "holding up a mirror up to themselves" and sharing lessons, according to a top industry boss.
A key industry report detailing the cost of decommissioning on the UK Continental Shelf and the progress being made by industry, government and regulators to reduce costs by more than 30 per cent will be unveiled at OGUK’s upcoming business breakfast in London.