Italian oilfield services firm Saipem (BIT: SPM) has awarded Petrofac a new multi-million-pound deal to support the decommissioning of a platform in the UK sector of the North Sea.
Diamond Offshore (NYSE: DO) has announced it has kicked off a new contract in the UK with Repsol Sinopec after its rig was released early last year by Apache.
Elemental Energies has secured a contract with an estimated value of £10 million with Archer to support a major decommissioning project in the UK North Sea.
After weeks of work, and “several rounds of weakening”, Aker Solutions has finally felled the “stubborn old thing” at the Stord decommissioning yard in Norway.
The NSTA has put the increase down to heightened demand for equipment, vessels and services from other regions and sectors, as well as wider inflationary pressures.
Doubt has been cast over decommissioning plans for Fairfield Energy’s Dunlin field, as UK regulators walk back support to leave key pieces of oil and gas infrastructure in place.