Shell reportedly mulling sale of chemical assets in Europe and US
Oil supermajor Shell is reportedly considering selling its chemicals assets in the Europe and the US, including its holdings in the Mossmorran plant in Fife.
Oil supermajor Shell is reportedly considering selling its chemicals assets in the Europe and the US, including its holdings in the Mossmorran plant in Fife.
An arcane Ofgem decision is bearing fruit. The regulator’s move to carve out space for demand-side response in the UK market has triggered a significant £1 billion investment from French energy technology company Voltalis.
The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate has approved Eni Norge's bid to drill a wildcat well - its first on production licence 716.
Norway has increased its production output in November, according to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).
A Bristol-based remote operated vehicle (ROV) company has picked up a £53,441 grant to fund research into underwater 3D modelling technology.
Campaigners learn today whether they have won a legal challenge against one of the first planning applications to carry out fracking in England.
EPI Group has acquired UK-based PDF Limited.
Prospex Oil and Gas has kick-started its onshore drilling campaign in Poland.
Norway gave public backing to OPEC’s historic deal to cut oil production in tandem with non-members, although Western Europe’s largest producer gave no indication it would reverse its previous refusal to directly collaborate with the group.
A row has erupted over claims that controversial ship-to-ship oil transfers in the Cromarty Firth are essential to help pay for a £25million cruise ship berth and reception area.
A new study has quadrupled UK Oil and Gas' Kimmeridge reserves estimate, it was today confirmed.
Norway’s minority government reached a budget deal with its two support parties, bringing an end to a political crisis that risked culminating in a confidence vote at a debate in parliament on Monday.
Shares in AIM-listed Prospex Oil and Gas skyrocketed today after the firm was given permission to drill a well onshore Poland.
The Norwegian government confirmed it would appoint a public commission to examine safety in the oil and gas sector.
Norway expects Royal Dutch Shell Plc to go forward with a shelved project to boost recovery of natural gas at the Ormen Lange field and warned it will start pushing the company for progress from next year.
France and the U.K. are the two nations in Europe most at risk of power shortages this winter, particularly if there is a cold snap in early December or January.
The Irish government has given oil explorer Providence Resources an extension on its Kish Bank Basin licence off the east coast.
Gulf Marine Services (GMS) said today that an unspecified company had agreed to charter one of its vessels in Europe.
SNC-Lavalin has been appointed to an Energy Technologies Institute (ETI) project to develop a generic business case to take carbon capture and storage (CCS) forward in the UK.
Norwegian production fell nearly 20% in September, according to new Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) figures.
Statoil has made two oil discoveries in the Norwegian Sea, the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) confirmed today.
Horse Hill Developments has submitted a planning application for its onshore discovery near Gatwick Airport.
Norway is ratcheting up withdrawals from its $890 billion sovereign wealth fund to support a recovery as it foresees a continued slump for the nation’s petroleum industry.
Norway is poised to spend more than NOK1billion on building its carbon capture and storage portfolio, according to the Norwegian government.
Pharos Marine Sims Systems stepped in to help two oil and gas apprentices, who were made redundant months before they were due to qualify.
The Norwegian government is seen rolling back some its massive fiscal stimulus amid signs the economy of western Europe’s largest oil producer is on the mend.
Europa Oil & Gas has divided a shale stake after acquiring Shake Petroleum UK for a nominal consideration of £1.