Corac makes call for joint project on gas compression
UK COMPANY Corac Group is looking for new participants to join an ongoing JIP that will further develop its innovative Downhole Gas Compressor (DGC) technology.
UK COMPANY Corac Group is looking for new participants to join an ongoing JIP that will further develop its innovative Downhole Gas Compressor (DGC) technology.
StatoilHydro has teamed up with Chevron and Petrobras to develop a new compact deepwater separation plant for seafloor installation known as Tordis.
The innovative and progressive nature of the global energy industry inevitably means that companies have to send employees to work all over the world.
UNLESS one is getting a bit long in the tooth and very British, the chances are that most of us are aware of the "high-five" greeting. The writer has a toddler who uses it a lot.
THE increase in UK E & A (exploration and appraisal) activity continues; 32 well starts so far in 2008, and 18 sidetracks. Of these, 22 are exploratory and 10 appraisal. This represents an increase of 85% over the same period in 2007; 63% increase for exploration and 150% for appraisal. Fifteen rigs are currently active, and May starts include Valiant's 9/22-3 (Globe/Roebuck), IOC's 15/13a-9 (Hood), Oilexco's 16/21b-34 (Delta), Nexen's 19/4-2 (Full Moon), Maersk's 22/25a-9 (Culzean) and RWE's 49/2a-6 (Topaz). BG's Jackdaw 30/2a-7 and ConocoPhillips' Jasmine/North Terrace 30/6-7 appraisals are now more than seven months into their respective programmes, the last named on its third sidetrack.
SAIPEM has picked up two new offshore contracts in Egypt and Angola totalling $600million. The Egypt work is with Burullus Gas, covering the subsea development of the Sequoia field, which straddles both the Rosetta and West Delta Deep Marine Concessions offshore the Nile River Delta about 130km north-east of Alexandria. The contract encompasses the engineering, procurement, installation and commissioning (EPIC) of the subsea development system of the Sequoia fieldand of a new 22in gas-export pipeline.
ABERDEEN-BASED oil & gas industry services company Project Design & Management Services has been acquired by Wilton Engineering Services of Teesside.
TV NEWSREADER Jackie Bird was the guest presenter at the annual safety awards ceremony of the North Sea chapter of the International Association of Drilling Contractors.
SAFETY offshore 20 years after the Piper Alpha disaster in the North Sea in which 167 people died was the keynote theme at the seventh annual dinner of the North of Scotland branch of the Safety and Reliability Society (Sars).
PRIVATE equity fund Epi-V is investing £4.5million in what it claims is the only "independent" supplier of advanced well intervention tools to the global oil industry in return for a "significant" slice of the firm.
IN APRIL, the Press and Journal and Munro's Travel Group of Aberdeen launched their first Middle East oil&gas conference and exhibition initiative, and we are pleased to report that this is attracting considerable interest.
ITALIAN energy major Eni expects that it will cost at least $5billion to develop its Norwegian Barents Sea Goliat field, based on first oil around 2012.
ABERDEEN-BASED software consultancy Absoft has created a new business unit dedicated to the North Sea oil&gas industry as part of a key element of a restructuring programme.
SOLUTIONS for transport and storage of carbon dioxide captured at Karsto and Mongstad are to be developed by Gassco in co-operation with Gassnova SF and the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD).
COSTS associated with constructing new oil&gas upstream facilities have reached a new record high, according to the latest IHS/Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) Upstream Capital Costs Index. They are up 6% over the past six months and have doubled since 2005.
IT RANKS as the most incredibly selfish act that Energy has yet encountered - the State of Alaska is to sue the US Interior Department at the US District Court in Washington to prevent the listing of the polar bear as a threatened species.
Every cloud has a silver lining - and offshore oil & gas industry divers could soon be reaping the benefits of a double rise in raw commodity prices for oil and helium.
Petrobras has notched up another significant sub-salt discovery offshore Brazil in the Santos Basin ultra-deepwater block, BM-S-8.
The UK's BMT Group has acquired ARGOSS, a specialist provider of marine environmental information services using satellite observations, meteorological and oceanographic data.
Contrary to much that has been written about the differences between generations regarding their attitudes toward work and their engagement in their jobs, these variations are actually relatively small, according to research just completed by Sirota Survey Intelligence
You may not think of Ukraine as a country with great potential for oil & gas exploration, especially in light of the yearly reports of Russia threatening to cut off supply to Ukraine because of its gas debts. These disputes cause some panic in Ukraine and more in Europe.
Gosh. Has another year gone by already? Another All-Energy show hung on the line. How frightening. So what happened? Have we made any real progress in developing a Scottish renewables technology sector?
The price of road fuel is again becoming one of the hottest political topics in the land. Just having paid £88 to fill my car with diesel, I share in the sense of aggravation.
This month, the Policy Exchange expects to publish a new report on how the Government can make carbon capture work in the UK by setting in place the incentives industry needs to make this happen. This is vital if New Labour is to live up to its pledges on greenhouse gas emissions.
SOME countries are perceived as better than others when it comes to driving forward HS & E standards, and Norway is an outstanding example in this regard.