‘Time running out’ for marine solutions
MARINE energy has a vast potential to contribute eco-friendly energy, but has only 10 years to prove itself as a viable technology or risk being eclipsed by other energy sources.
MARINE energy has a vast potential to contribute eco-friendly energy, but has only 10 years to prove itself as a viable technology or risk being eclipsed by other energy sources.
Oil services company Swellfix said yesterday it was poised for further strong growth after ploughing around £250,000 into its Aberdeen headquarters.
Canadian energy group Nexen expects first production from the Ettrick field development in the North Sea to start in the last quarter of this year.
TECHNOLOGY developed by Aberdeen-based music software company Soundmotion is being adapted for use in the quest for new oil.
Oil major BP is to spend £750million to develop the Liberty oil field in the Beaufort Sea off the northern coast of Alaska, according to the company.
CERTEX International - the largest distributor of lifting products and services in Europe, which has a base in Aberdeen - is launching a new offshore division that will give its customers access to a wider range of products and services.
ABERDEEN-BASED composite pipe repair solutions provider Walker Technical Resources (WTR) is moving into its next stage of global growth by appointing Professor Simon Frost as technical director and exporting to new markets around the world.
There were fresh calls last night for oil companies to pull British workers out of Nigeria after the UK Government warned it would be "reckless" to remain without proper security advice.
EXPLOSIVE growth in the demand for wind power has created a global waiting list for wind turbines, according to ClimateChangeCorp. It says Chinese turbine companies may be part of the solution as they ramp up production and get ready to export. And according to the Global Wind Energy Council (www.worldenergy.org), China will become the top wind turbine manufacturer by 2009.
MANAGING the risk of non-compliance with contractual requirements has therefore significantly increased in importance. The irony is, under most corporate risk management structures, contract risks are often not addressed using a systematic approach.
So here it is, the result of education, education, education - a system that leaves students wishing to take up science subjects at university now needing an extra year's education for, among other things, "remedial maths".
Late spring saw Aberdeen company Downhole Products gobbled up by fast-growing Varel International for an undisclosed sum. What perhaps differentiates this deal from so many others is that Varel's president is a Scot who led a management buy-in of the US firm in 1998 when it was about the same size as the latest target.
The annual BP Statistical Review of World Energy is an essential reference source. It gives production and consumption statistics for many countries and all the regions in the world, disaggregated by oil, gas, coal, nuclear energy and hydroelectricity.
"The location for today's attack was deliberately chosen to remove any notion that offshore oil exploration is far from our reach".
AS THE FPAL evolution progresses, free supplier training sessions continue to be held at the Aberdeen office. The training sessions offer suppliers an opportunity to learn how they can fully utilise FPAL and understand the potential benefits offered through the system's associated services.
Contractual relationships are an essential element of any business. However, the nature of the oil & gas industry is one that sees the sector dominated by contracts.
The Piper Alpha disaster was a turning point for the UK oil & gas industry, leading to significant changes in the industry's approach to safety management, regulation and training.
FIRST-YEAR students from seven universities across England, not Scotland, are celebrating their energy-saving successes following a national competition to encourage students to reduce their energy consumption.
You might have seen old movies with oil-well gushers splattering the drilling crew, spewing precious barrels of oil on the ground, or news coverage of a North Sea blowout - not that they have been commonplace.
THE Robert Gordon University's Department of Law at Aberdeen Business School has launched what it says is the first one-year postgraduate Masters in oil & gas law to be delivered solely online.
RESEARCHERS are working on a thermoelectric generator that converts the heat from car exhaust fumes into electricity. The module feeds the energy into the car's electronic systems.
Volt - the volt is the International System of Units (SI) measure of electric potential or electromotive force. A potential of one volt appears across a resistance of one ohm when a current of one ampere flows through that resistance.
Hundreds of school students battled it out for honours at the 2008 Celebration of Engineering staged at in Glasgow mid-June, with the topmost award going to a north-east school.
Taking a break from a busy schedule allows you to recharge your batteries and enjoy quality time with family and friends. The average working adult in the UK has annual leave entitlement of 25 days a year, but many employees avoid taking their full holiday entitlement from work.
IN WHAT promises to be a regular occasion, members of staff at the Westhill, Aberdeen, head office of Helix RDS met up with former colleagues who have moved on.