TUV NEL to test flow metering systems
CLAMP-ON flowmeters are to be independently evaluated by TUV NEL in a joint industry project (JIP) funded by major companies in the oil & gas sector.
CLAMP-ON flowmeters are to be independently evaluated by TUV NEL in a joint industry project (JIP) funded by major companies in the oil & gas sector.
FOOTSIE-100 listed Tullow Oil has scored with its Ngege-1 exploration well drilled in Uganda's Lake Albert Rift Basin, encountering both oil and gas.
TECHNIP, with 50:50 joint-venture partner DOF Subsea, is to provide Petrobras with a new pipelay vessel under a four-year charter.
APPLICATIONS are invited from individuals, multi-disciplinary teams or community groups for the 2009 St Andrews Prize for the Environment.
NAUTRONIX says an independent study carried out by Blade Offshore Services demonstrates that its innovative NASNet acoustic positioning system really does outperform other acoustic positioning systems. NASNet is established in the defence market, but is still finding its feet offshore- though recent applications on offshore developments such as Agbami and Frade by Subsea 7 and Acergy suggest it is coming of age.
IT WILL be the top event of the summer season and you had better get your skates on as well over 1,000 places have been snapped up for Aberdeen's first Energy Ball.
OHM Group of Aberdeen has decided to embark on a three-year joint industry project to investigate "Well Integration with Seismic and Electromagnetics" (WISE).
THE North Sea's own website, OilCity, is setting out to map the skills of those who work in the industry today or who have retired.
Marathon-operated Brae is arguably the most outstanding UKCS example of how an offshore asset can expand from a single platform with an export pipeline to a major infrastructure hub.
The Brae complex is currently celebrating 25 years of production, with substantially more oil and gas recovered from the various sister fields than anyone imagined was possible when Marathon chanced upon this asset in May, 1975, while drilling well 16/07-1 - the first on licence P108.
TAKE two Irish brothers - one super-fit, the other not - chuck in a bike and an ancient steam road engine and see if they can get both vehicles from John O'Groats to Land's End in seven days.
A NEW flow loop commissioned in Australia is expected to help researchers find solutions to predict and control gas hydrates formation in offshore oil and production pipelines.
BP and its partners in the UK North Sea NW Hutton field are offering 100% of their interest, lock, stock and more than half full barrel to anyone interested in the abandoned asset and surrounding acreage.
Production ships now dominate the global floating production scene and their market is set to boom to the tune of $34billion of investment over the period 2008 through 2012.
As the North Sea industry marks the 20-year anniversary of the Piper Alpha disaster, it seems fitting to take stock of the resultant changes, and in particular to note raised awareness of health and safety issues and ask whether all lessons may have been fully learned?
As part of Scottish Government's engagement with the business, I attended a recent meeting with Jim Mathers, Minister for Enterprise, Education and Tourism, and local business leaders, most notably from Oil & Gas UK, Talisman, Shell, Venture, Apache, Total and PSN.
The tanker drivers' strike was too short. Here was a genuine opportunity to give people a real taste of what life is going to be like in just a few short years if we continue to do nothing about liquid fuels, and we blew it.
PETROBRAS is ordering 12 new ultra-deepwater drilling rigs capable of operating in waters 2,400-3,000m of water.
The price of donkeys in the Yozgat district of Central Turkey has increased sevenfold as local people are giving up the use of tractors because of rocketing fuel prices and substituting them with a centuries-old means of getting about.
Just over a year ago, Venezuela's then minister for Europe, Rodrigo Chaves, visited Scotland and suggested to me that it would be appropriate to have a stronger direct link between our two nations.
GAZPROM is working with a former builder of Russian nuclear submarines to develop a subsea drilling system capable of drilling beneath the pack ice of Russia's Arctic.
Norwegian company Sevan Marine can press ahead with building two more of its innovative drilling rigs thanks to winning contracts worth more than $1.5billion - one with Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) of India, the other with Petrobras of Brazil.
Halfway through 2008 and it is timely to make a comparison with 2007 activity levels. It turns out that UK exploration drilling has almost doubled compared with the same period last year - 15 spuds versus 29.
Wind energy "can only play a negligible role in plugging Britain's looming energy gap", according to the UK's Centre for Policy Studies.
A "hydrogen corridor" is being planned by the Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association for the road between Aberdeen and Peterhead. It would complement the Energetica economic development project that is in the early stages of being rolled out in the Scottish north-east.