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Sinking rig, Paper Tiger, and Afrenta

There’s no other place to start this week than with the news of the Velesto Naga 7 oil rig sinking off Malaysia. Our man in Asia, Damon Evans, takes us through the events. No one was hurt, but will there be an open inquiry? And how will the rig be recovered?


Options, debts, and a battered Bentley

Mozambique was on the mind this week, with Total officially hitting the big red force majeure button on its LNG plans. The French company is not waiting around though, and is working on projects elsewhere in the world, including the US and Russia.


EVOL: Twitches, itchy feet and wheel woe‪s

Hurricane Energy is no longer jumpin’ jack flash, with recent news from the company being described by one analyst as “another twitch” in its death throes. Once, shareholders had piled in to the company’s fractured basement story but now it seems there is less and less that can be done by the management team.


EVOL: The deal, the nightmare and The Ri‪g‬

The government has set out its plans, in the nick of time, for the oil and gas sector to cut carbon emissions and evolve to 2030. There are plenty of hopes and big numbers, but it’s clear the industry is expected to stump up a fair amount of cash to make the dreams come true.


EVOL: Wheeling and dealing… and protestin‪g‬

After a run of days of oil industry wheeling and dealing which have left the EV team breathless, Allister battled through the breaking news that CHC is swooping in to buy the oil and gas helicopter business of rival operator Babcock.


EVOL: Hurricane warning, Total’s energies and Doonies Far‪m‬

There’s a storm brewing over at Hurricane Energy with one of its major shareholders suggesting the board doesn’t have “skin in the game”. Crystal Amber says the relationship has “deteriorated dramatically,” so the EVOL team take this opportunity to dive into the potted history of the west of Shetland operator.


EVOL: Sales, sales and South African sale‪s‬

Super-majors continue to drift away from the North Sea, with HitecVision-backed NEO striking a deal to acquire ExxonMobil’s assets. The buyer was staying mum about decommissioning liabilities, as yet impervious to Allister’s probing questions.


EVOL: Blown away by BP, Qatar LNG, and batteries

On EVOL this week, in association with OGUK, big oil is making moves into the UK offshore wind scene, with BP paying top dollar for its entry. The team assess the implications for the market – and the upcoming ScotWind leasing round.


EVOL: Floating, talking and greenin‪g‬

How much of a problem is a two-foot crack in a ship West of Shetland? Clearly not one to prompt action in the first four years after the problem was reported. Who knows whether the latest HSE improvement notice will have any greater impact.


EVOL: Resurgent ’Rona, operator skulduggery, and ‘stranded’ gas

With constant helicopter flights rumbling overhead, Aberdeen has started to feel like a ’Nam movie again. That’s because Covid appears to be resurgent in the North Sea once more, but what about matters onshore, and the prospects of Offshore Europe gracing P&J Live in September?


Energy Voice and EY kick off 10 Point Pod series with Orsted on offshore wind

The UK Government announced its 10 Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution amid much fanfare in November. The points laid out in the strategy pave the way to the UK’s net zero future. But what are they? Why have they been identified? And what impact will they have on the energy sector and the wider economy?


Energy Voice and EY launch 10 Point Pod series

The UK Government announced its 10 Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution amid much fanfare in November. The points laid out in the strategy pave the way to the UK’s net zero future. But what are they? Why have they been identified? And what impact will they have on the energy sector and the wider economy?


EV Out Loud: Gas for Ghana, ancient wells and M&A cogs turning

Allister, Ed and Mark shook off the festive cobwebs to dish out a healthy dose of oil and gas news in their first EVOL podcast of 2021. Ed sparked things into life with news of a milestone for LNG in Sub-Saharan Africa, with first deliveries in Ghana from Shell just around the corner.