This week on Energy Voice Out Loud, in association with the EIC, podders Allister, Ed and Mark weighed up the prospects of oil and gas offshore workers getting their hands on the vaccine any time soon, imbued with the wisdom of a top microbiologist.
On this week’s EVOL, in association with the EIC, the team give their thoughts on news that Oil and Gas UK – the North Sea’s leading trade body – is considering a rebrand, potentially following others in taking fossil fuels out of the name as part of their net zero push.
On this week’s episode, in association with Fasken, the team looks at the return of RockRose Energy founder Andrew Austin to the North Sea fold, after he sold up his former firm for nearly £250m earlier this year.
On this week’s episode, in association with Fasken: should pay for contractors move with the oil price, the EVOL team pondered, while wondering how far would such a move go.
What does a failed Scottish wind manufacturer, pirates in Equatorial Guinea and Aberdeen cow pat have in common? They’re all discussed on this week’s EVOL, of course – in association with the International School Aberdeen.
On this week’s episode, in association with the ISA, the pandemic may have stopped Ed from physically rifling through Mark’s pens, but COVID-19 has reappeared offshore, where number of workers have had to be removed from North Sea platforms.
In this week’s episode, in association with the ISA, the EV boys got under the skin of the week’s biggest slab of M&A news, which sees private-equity backed Chrysaor cement its position as the UKCS’s production King through a merger with Premier Oil.
The coming of the Energy Transition era, combined with the Covid-19 and the latest oil price downturn, has made it absolutely imperative for energy companies to show resilience and adaptability.
This week’s Energy Voice Out Loud, in association with International School Aberdeen, kicks off with news of Shell cutting their global workforce by up to 9,000.
As Premier Oil is trying to rework its acquisition of North Sea assets from BP, what might Exxon make of such a state of affairs? There’s a list of companies bidding for Exxon’s assets, but the interminable renegotiations are probably best avoided.
Should the government stump up some of the cash it was going to pay out for decommissioning ahead of time, in order to get the ball rolling? Decom North Sea thinks so, although other opinions are available. At a time when the national debt is hitting record levels, and a number of sectors are calling for help, the government may not want to help out the oil and gas industry.
Ed triumphantly returned from his semiaquatic sojourn in Somerset to join Mark and Allister for another ear-captivating edition of Energy Voice Out Loud, in association with the EIC.
This week the EVOL team watch the movements of Greenpeace’s Esperanza vessel as the activist group attempts to catch out oil companies polluting in the North Sea.
In this episode, in association with the EIC, the war of words has continued in the helicopter space with another contract going to fiercely competitive Babcock. While the company has remained silent about its winning ways, others vying for contracts have been less restrained. Babcock, if you’re reading this, give Mark a call to explain.
With Allister on his hols (somewhere in lockdown Aberdeen), special guest Stuart Broadley, chief executive of the Energy Industries Council – which sponsors this episode – joined Mark and Ed to size up the week’s biggest stories.
Listeners to this week’s EV podcast, in association with Burness Paull, are in for a real treat; we were delighted to welcome on board a special guest with bags of insight and intelligence, James McCallum.
In this latest EVOL podcast, in association with Burness Paull, energy news gladiators Ed, Allister and Mark pierce the armour of the week’s hottest stories.
The oil and gas industry’s safety track record is improving, but there is considerable way to go. Operators and safety consultants should consider three areas.
Check out this week’s bumper Energy Voice Out Loud podcast, in association with Burness Paull, in which Mark and Allister dish out a double-dose of North Sea decommissioning insight, as aged platforms and vessels find their resting places.