Jobs of tomorrow – International School Aberdeen prepares students for future success
“Is my child’s school teaching them the skills required to succeed in their future job?”
“Is my child’s school teaching them the skills required to succeed in their future job?”
As the acute impact of the pandemic subsidies in many countries, organisations worldwide can still expect to encounter significant risks in 2023.
My husband and I are in the process of moving from Aberdeen, UK to Houston, Texas. Surprisingly enough, not because of his engineering career in Oil & Gas, but because I am a Chartered International Financial Planner.
Sustainability ranks alongside office attendance as the main topic of discussion in the workplace sector right now. Bringing older, inefficient buildings up to scratch is not just a nice-to-have, it is a necessity as we seek to meet the Scottish Government’s ambitious carbon reduction targets.
AAB Corporate Finance is delighted to share with you our Deals Update for H2 2022 in conjunction with Energy Voice, highlighting selected energy merger and acquisition (M&A) and fundraising transactions across the UK.
Transitioning to a sustainable energy future requires the increased and widespread use of renewable energy sources like geothermal, hydroelectric, solar, wind, and bioenergy. While each renewable energy source competes for market share, a coordinated effort from all renewables is required to meet carbon neutrality objectives.
Commercial saturation diving, where divers live for up to a month under pressure in a specialised chamber system, is not a role in itself; diving is a method of getting people to a work site, principally for underwater construction, and keeping them alive underwater.
Energy Voice's third annual Future North Sea event made its in-person debut at Aberdeen's P&J Live today.
Are you looking to future-proof your business, reduce business operating costs, improve your green credentials, and generate fewer carbon emissions?
Energy policy and legislation has dominated the political agenda at Holyrood and Westminster since parliamentarians returned in January.
Later this month, Subsea Expo 2023, the world’s largest annual subsea exhibition and conference will return to Aberdeen.
AREG CEO David Rodger will be stepping down from his role at the end of March.
Delegate registrations are now open for the Energy Exports Conference 2023.
Scotland’s leading awards scheme honouring the best and brightest of human resources and personnel professionals has launched its program for 2023 and it is back bigger and better than ever.
Global artificial intelligence (AI) seismic interpretation experts Geoteric are continuing to disrupt the market with another world-first software release. The new technology is game-changing for energy companies and will prove critical to operators; enabling them to de-risk well placement, reduce their environmental impact and increase profitability by better predicting future production.
Each year, International SOS releases an interactive Risk Map, designed to help organisations and their mobile workforce better understand the risk level of each country around the world and the specific ways these risks may impact their employees.
We may be only a handful of days into the new year but time is already running short.
UnitedHealthcare Global has remained steadfast in its commitment to help people live healthier lives while supporting the well-being of clients through a holistic approach to health benefits and services.
The latest innovation in generator technology, the flywheel power system, is tipped to revolutionise the industry, making systems greener, cleaner and more cost effective.
The oil and gas sector has relied on contractor talent for many years. With uncertainty on the horizon for 2023, the flexibility and agility offered by this workforce will be more important than ever.
UnitedHealthcare Global has remained steadfast in its commitment to help people live healthier lives while supporting the well-being of clients through a holistic approach to health benefits and services.
As we approach the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it is a further reminder that energy security will continue to have a major impact on oil and gas markets and how nations meet their energy requirements.
Change has swept through our industry in 2022. At the start of the year, we re-branded to reflect our evolution to embrace organisations that not only have an interest in oil and gas but also carbon capture and storage, hydrogen and offshore wind.
In August 2021 Marine Scotland released “The Offshore Wind Energy for Innovation Projects and Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation (INTOG) Planning Specification and Context” report for public consultation. Within a year , Marine Scotland had identified areas it considered suitable for such developments and on August 10, 2022 the INTOG leasing round opened for applications, closing on November 18.
Award-winning i-Protech has become the north-east’s first installer of modern solar energy systems to achieve dual accreditation with both MCS solar and battery storage systems.