When the opportunity to write this piece came about, I jumped at the chance. Not only because I feel strongly about the importance of our mental health for our daily wellbeing, but because I’ve been delving deeper and deeper into this area personally over the last 10-12 years, trying to expand my knowledge and awareness about why I have behaved, reacted or felt the way I have to certain situations throughout my life. Exploring why I have felt the way I have has been an interesting ride – and it’s not been easy. Confronting yourself is always more difficult than confronting others and being someone who is an avid avoider of confrontation that is saying something!
By Jean Morrison, chair, Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group
AREG membership has increased by nearly 70% in the last year as we continue to champion supply chain expertise, supporting the region to become a centre of excellence for renewable energy.
How low can we make carbon emissions go? At Equinor, we plan to send them 1km below the seabed. Carbon emissions from the Humber and Teesside regions will be captured and safely stored beneath the North Sea. See how we’re accelerating the UK energy transition at equinor.co.uk.
Viper Innovations’ unique V-LIFE technology has been supporting operators for more than a decade. Originally referred to by many as a “magic” technology, V-LIFE has continued to be one of Viper’s most successful innovations for the offshore energy industry.
By Joe Patton, Account Development Specialist, Dräger Marine and Offshore
The return to business activity following more than two years of the pandemic has ignited a rapid increase in demand for materials, goods and services.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) techniques have been used extensively in incident investigation, financial management, equipment and technical failure, production loss and healthcare for many years, with great success.
The Megawatt Hour is the latest podcast boxset brought to you by Energy Voice Out Loud in paid partnership with BDO. This new monthly series will examine how energy storage technologies are reshaping, reinforcing and recharging energy markets in the UK and around the globe.
A major contract to supply the fire suppression systems for the new-build diving spread of the Well-Safe Guardian has been awarded to Flare Fire Safety Engineering.
By Carolyn Taylor, Head of Mental Health, Resilience and Wellbeing, International SOS
Do you ever doubt your skills, talents, or accomplishments, or are you afraid of being exposed as a fraud, despite external evidence of your competence? Have you ever thought “I’ll be found out and they’ll see I don’t deserve this”?
Training with VR can enhance engagement, understanding and has the potential to reduce costs by removing the need for personnel and instructors to travel to a site or facility.
Last month, Chancellor Rishi Sunak flew into the Granite City - home of the UK’s offshore energy industry. He was there to listen directly to the concerns put forward by industry leaders on the Government’s proposed energy profits levy.
Over 350 energy, business and industrial leaders from the North America’s largest organizations will come together in Houston, November 09-10 at Reuters Events: Energy Transition North America 2022, where they will discuss the urgent need to decarbonize North American energy production and deliver strategies to turn global net zero ambition into meaningful net zero action.
STATS Group has added more staff to its Middle East operations as the result of a post-Covid uptick in project activities, while one of its most experienced pipeline intervention experts has relocated to the region.
Implementing the engineering Capital Value Process (CVP) in South Wales means that while the feasibility study work is in progress, it is impossible to present a holistic picture of what the most likely portfolio of SWIC Deployment solutions might look like.
By Dr Cristina Romete, CEO of ROC Clinic, Aberdeen
The last two years have been tough for all. The end is not in sight though, with sharply rising living costs, a stretched national healthcare system, a healthcare staffing crisis and an actively debated food crisis potentially on our doorstep.
All asset-owning industries can benefit from effective maintenance
Anyone in oil and gas who has had to grapple with a maintenance backlog will understand all too well the impacts of neglecting maintenance. That’s why SRCN Solutions is on a mission to bring effective maintenance and work management to further industries, including the likes of renewables, petrochemicals, utilities and defence.
Demand for offshore wind turbine installation vessels is forecast to become a significant issue over the next few years and may affect the pace of development of offshore wind farms.