Getech repurposes its Globe platform to find natural hydrogen
Hydrogen and geo-energy group Getech has announced a new technology that allows users to predict the location of natural hydrogen deposits.
Hydrogen and geo-energy group Getech has announced a new technology that allows users to predict the location of natural hydrogen deposits.
A top Scottish Government figure has backed energy giant BP’s (LON: BP) involvement in a project to develop a hydrogen hub in Aberdeen.
One of the UK’s first commercial green hydrogen projects is seeking buyers for hydrogen supplies beginning in 2025.
For all the hype surrounding the emissions-free energy source, European manufacturers both large and small are reluctant to buy into hydrogen
North-east firm Hydrasun is putting the final touches on its eagerly-awaited hydrogen training courses, ahead of putting them to market this year.
Haskel technical sales manager in the region Stewart Anderson welcomed the collaboration on this “ground-breaking project, bringing our extensive high pressure gas experience and expertise in the hydrogen mobility sector to Port Kembla”.
South Africa Infrastructure Minister Sihle Zikalala highlighted the Boegoebaai green hydrogen plans earlier this year. The “hydrogen project has a potential to create an additional 35,000 work opportunities once it commences and all feasibility studies are completed”.
Masdar CEO Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi said the agreement “opens an exciting new chapter for Masdar as we explore how to unlock the full potential of green hydrogen to produce fuel for homes and businesses”.
“Through this pilot programme, we will gather important data on how hydrogen transportation technology performs as we continue to develop the UAE’s hydrogen infrastructure.”
A UK company has made a “major breakthrough” in the energy industry’s drive to slash the costs of green hydrogen.
Residents of a Yorkshire town have called for an independent vote on hydrogen heating trials after proposals for the alternative location were called off.
Local manufacturer Superglass will work with the infrastructure developer to evaluate technical and supply elements in support of a proposed green hydrogen facility in Stirling.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) CEO Darren Miller said the pilot “looks to prove a promising technology for decarbonising one of our most emissions intensive industries”.
The first was on increasing production at Tin Fouyé Tabankort (TFT). The two companies agreed to convert the TFT II and TFT Sud contracts to the new hydrocarbon law, which Algeria passed in December 2019.
“Government funding is phenomenal but it will have to be repaid. The headwind will be the realisation that the energy transition will cost a lot of money,” DeCotis said. “We have to communicate, though, that the cost of doing nothing is higher.”
India has ambitions to become a leading exporter of green hydrogen as countries around the world increasingly view the clean fuel as crucial to the energy transition.
“It’s transition on our own terms, with our own resources. We need to get smarter about how we articulate that, not as victims, or as people to be allowed to do things,” said Yvonne Ike, head of sub-Saharan Africa at Bank of America. “We need to work with the countries that get it, so from the Gulf, from Asia.”
Plans for the first phase of a scalable, green hydrogen production, storage and distribution facility in Aberdeen have taken a step forward.
"Together with Afry, we have identified a potential stable corridor to bring supply and demand together. The scale-up of hydrogen adoption goes through projects like this,” Bombardi said.
A triumvirate of energy firms have teamed up to advance the rollout of low-carbon hydrogen production and storage in the east of England.
Documents have set out in detail the location and proposals for the solar farm and production facility in the south of Aberdeen.
Engie said the feedstock would go to South Korea, starting in the second half of 2030. It will take seven years to develop and build the project and then it will operate for 40 years. It will begin construction in 2027.
The CCS and hydrogen process will require hundreds of millions of pounds of investment and is estimated to create nearly 200 new jobs over coming years.
“Price is price is price. The only way to produce hydrogen very cheaply is if you have baseload power 24/7,” Mussat said.
“The just transition commission has been running for years. The commission has consumed more buffets at lunch time than they have created jobs. The jobs in the Scottish energy transition are all being done halfway round the world.”